Thursday, April 30, 2009

1st full match while raining
tuesday had paper 1.
english was quite sucky
couldnt write the essay properly cuz quite hard to think..
situational was ok i guess
didnt get stucked anywhere.
chinese was zzzzz
gong han was some weird topic la..
then the previous day study so much also quite useless-.-
then the zuo wen was so hard
bao zhang bao dao so hard to write....
fell alseep TWICE while writing -.-
and there was a thunderstorm during the paper
rained super heavily

after that had chem extra lessons then went to play soccer @ safra

1st time play in the field while raining sia. LOlol
but the ground quite dry, compared to what i expected la
the game quite ok ba...
but i played like shit zzz
i have no stamina
i can't sprint
i'm too short
i lack experience!! which results in many wrong decisions
sucksss ;(
i'm so gonna train on my stamina and sprinting when i got the time >.>

then after that bathed at safra then went to kelyn's house for dinner
which meant i ponned chem tuition =/
nvm, changed it to e.math tuition after mid years lol
after that went to macs to study chem for awhile
quite fail sia me. just read through 1st 3 chpts only -.-
went home by bus
wah, the bus there take super long to come sia
waited for half an hour before a bus which wasn't terminating at the interchange to come
the 3 buses before all were terminating so i couldnt board them -.-
even the auntie at the bus stop there was complain
then i kept falling asleep while waiting

haizz sian
screwed up chinese listening compre
slept halfway
then i woke up must hand in paper alr
then i anyhow shade the 3 questions which were blank..
think i got lowest in class, which is 12/20
screwed up e.math test also
super hard la can
i failed to prove myself to mr mok -.-
after last week's test.. lol
didnt finish 10marks worth of questions
which is almost half the paper alr..
most probably gonna fail this test also..

after school went to watch basketball finals
the girls won
the guys lost
no comment on it though
quite entertaining i guess?
was doing my physics work while watching...

there's so much to do, but yet so little time
mid years in less than a week
off to start work.....

i admire those who actually get a chance to prove themselves
and actually use the opportunity well
because i don't get it
fιяєѕтαя | 7:36 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1st break-fall course!
my weekend was tiring
had chinese oral on sat morning
totally screwed lor -.-
i got lee li qun? or w/e her name is spelt
she looks SCARY
doesn't even smile or w/e.
same face throughout
zzzzz, and the topic for conversation was quite hard? i think
idk how to say..
after that went to airport to study with kelyn
ate quite alot there. Lol =/
after that had a.math tuition
then rushed to break fall course @ east coast
Lol, quite fun ba...
kept rolling around and falling on the sand
still got 1 time i fell directly on my back/spine
fricking painnnnn..
till my head felt weird and pain? and my jaw was like.. idk how to explain, just weird? -.-
then do till sunday morning wake up whole body aching....
today also pain -.-
after the course went to celebrate my uncle's bday at a restaurant @ white sands
the food there quite nice

sunday was spent studying at kelly-anne's aunt's house
her aunt make alot of drinks sia
total of 3 big cups? until i can't finish then so paiseh =/
but quite nice sia the drinks lol

there's 1 very bad news
went to check up on my eyes on sunday night....
and then i found out that my degree is like.. 100 plus?
im super sad cause of that la....
now 3j/4j don't have anyone with perfect eyesight alr.. lol =/
probably getting a pair of specs soon. haizzzz
went to try on some specs today after school with evan and charis
i look like some noob with specs la... zzz

paper 1 tmr...
and it's 2.10am now...
why am i here mannnn
im srsly feeling that im gonna fail some paper for mid years... ;(
physics tuition today was .........
couldnt do any question la.....
emo-ed like siao...

off to study for paper 1
fιяєѕтαя | 2:01 AM | commentlink

Friday, April 24, 2009

i need a friend-tutor or sth
school was quite ok today, i guess.
had pe....
did inclined pull up
sucks like shit... can do only 20? ...
plus my left thumb sprain la.. but i still did 20 anyway
then after that had to do sbj and sit n reach
sit and reach was like -.-
so.. my napfa results are.....
sit ups : 46 (A)
shuttle run : 10.9sec (A)
2.4km run : 10.47mins (A)
inclined pull ups : 20(A)
standing broad jump : 184cm(A)
sit and reach : 43cm(B)
zzzzzzz, still not all A....
haiz, im so noob zzzz

after sch went for music theory
sometimes, feel like stopping it lol
like after lessons all finish
then must rush to theory -.-
after that went back to school
then went to study with charis, lynn, karen and evan at the airport
photos at charis' blog... yeah
lol, did a.math there....
finally understood how matrices can solve simultaneous equations..

tmr's gonna be a long day
starting with chinese oral...
which im practicing now
hmmmmmm, i got a bad feeling im gonna flunk o levels chinese paper
i need some help with chinese..... anyone? =/
i need help in e.math and ss too....
zzzzzz. im so screwed for mid years
fιяєѕтαя | 10:46 PM | commentlink

Thursday, April 23, 2009

1st idc noob test ever lol
nothing much nowadays
just lesson after lesson
and the post 2.4km muscle aches -.-

today's e.math test was totally -.-
left the paper blank till the last 10mins
i wouldnt even do it actually
until mr mok came to ask if i couldnt do
at first just keep say i don't know how to do
then he say must try, and he don't wanna collect empty paper
then no choice do the test a bit lor
but i any how do la >.>
so yeah, in other words, i failed my e.math test

oh, and ytd i went to see the doctor regarding my red eye since monday
and guess what.......
i got conjuctivitis!
so he gave me an eye drop -.-

there's napfa inclined pull up tmr
wonder if i can do
with my sprained left thumb.
heck my injuries man
zz, it sucks when you're so injury prone @_@

chinese oral this sat
haven't prepared for it yet, gg
im so frickin screwed for mid years
totally know nothing about everything la.
thank God it isn't o levels yet
i gotta buck up alr

even though i know that i pushed myself really hard
but i know, that is not my limit
and i will strive harder to reach my goal
k no more words, now for the action. Lolol
aaaaaaa. mugging mode now. @_@
fιяєѕтαя | 10:11 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

3rd in last 2.4km
feeling real tired right now..
should post about my week

wed 15/5
went to vjc to watch soccer match between vjc and millinium institute(something like that, not sure lol(
as usual, vjc trashed them, so yeah -.- lol
super imba sia they
after the match they had training
so me and kelyn joined them
did warm up
then some passing games, dribbling. yeah
then had 4v4 matches
guess im not quite used to their style of playing?
and quite shy also, so didnt talk much. Lol =/
have to admit that they are quite pro
and i feel noob playing with them
but hope i can improve >.>
going back to train with them after mid years.

thurs 16/4
slacked in school after lessons with jessie lol
chat outside GO while she serve detention
tbh, its quite a good way to waste time and have fun. Lol
just talk alot of cock and slack lor. ya
went home at like 5+ with her and eunice...

sat 18/4
had english oral in the morning
totally zzz
i brought in my handphone into the hall -.-
then had to give to councillor lor.
went to mrs rosemary neo for oral
quite ok? i think
reading passage was ok. but i misread 1 part. and then word 'organisational' was misprounced once D;
picture was ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
totally duno what to say. so i anyhow lor
conversation was like dumb
the 1st qn about something where you did sth wrong or sth didnt link to the passage or picture la. -.-
then i anyhow make up some sht
then the 2nd qn about sports
something like 'is it alright to say that man is better then woman in sports?'
wa that 1 i can say myself as example sia
then should have alot of things to say, which i realised after the oral la..
zzzzzzzzzzz super wasted
but no point regretting also.

sunday 19/4
had church in the morning
didnt play drums though. hahaha
cause didnt need any-.-
they just used the CDs.
went into k2 class to teach the kids there
lol, i realised christian(one of the kids there) is quite cute Lol
he actually wrote my name on the worksheet where they say they wanna thank someone for teaching them God's word
and im really touched by him
like totally surprised by him lor
but im quite happy. lolol
after that went for make-up english tuition
then after tuition went to macs at 300+ there to study with kellyanne kelyn lixuan bryan ? i think. can't rmb Lol
did a.math like mad
got do a bit of chem also
then while studying, we saw some fighting going on outside
like WOW lol
got knife somemore?
then after that got police and ambulance o_O
and during the study 'session'
i was called an indian @_@ by lixuan's cousin
i feel so saddddd =/
studied till like 11+ then went home

tues 21/4
had 2.4km run at east coast after school
i ate like banana and the milo bar for energy when i was in school la . lol
took taxi there with the netball ppl
i was actually quite nervous before the run
cuz i scared i was noob and stuffs cause of my injuries this year-.-
did warm up and stuffs
started at the front part of the crowd with jessie so wasn't that bad, i guess
yup, at the start quite chiong cuz quite a lot of people
then after awhile quite infront liao
then keep run lor
i think my pace quite fast, but low stamina
but i kept running all the way anyway
in the end got 3rd...
could have done better
cuz the 3rd girl over took me during like the last 15m? and became 2nd.
then i became 3rd -.-
after i finish and took the card i immediately fall to the ground sia
fricking tired la cannnn
then i think cuz of that i got a cut on my right knee
and i kinda sprain my left waist or sth -.-
can't believe how injury prone i am.
i felt super good after finishing the run
never had such good a placing before. lol =/
thanks to those people who encouraged me lol
'man u will win 4 trophies this season' LOLOL
the encouragement was so so so important.
after that went to have my 1st burger in bk. if im not wrong
hahahha. im pro lol
then went home

hmmmm, i think i have to work on my stamina.
which means.....
many training at the stadium >.>

my left eye has been red since ytd
idk there's sth wrong with it
but it hurts sometimes
and i think i rly need a pair of specs soon ;(
after the health check up, at least
that is so sad ;(

off to do my work
mid years are really approaching
fιяєѕтαя | 9:16 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

frickin !@#!%$@#%#@#@!
yo sup
super frustrated now. zzz
everything's like sucking now man
lets see
school today was horrible
reading lesson was dumb
tried to study bio
but the teacher kept walking ard
then fell asleep
could barely understand chem lessons
chinese was totally wasted
heok just taught another chapter or w/e
physics was just plain dumb revision on electricity for tmr's test which i barely paid attention to
not that i can actually understand
e.math was zzzzz. i think i got lowest for the previous mensuration test
oh great, i can't even rmb when was the last time i got lowest for any math test.
i think i got 10/20? w/e
english was quite ok la.
went through oral.
sel was quite funny cuz we were watching videos on youtube
after that was theory
ran all the way there
did abit of stuffs then went back to school to chiong history
then rushed home cause i was plain pissed and emo and stuffs.

so yeah, that's my day
great huh.
starting to fall under the stress of MYE, not even counting O levels....
think im super screwed
2 tests tmr, 3tests on thurs
not even in the freaking mood to study any sht now

oh, and sf DIED on me yesterday
and i uninstalled it
now reinstalling.........

i feel so so so jealous sometimes.
not even sure if that's what i should feel
maybe that's just me
or am i just asking a little too much?
i don't even know how to express myself or my feelings to others
fail much? totally.
feel like im such a failure at stuffs
zzzzzz, why am i even here?
at the end of the day,
i wonder who actually read and cares about what i typed.

you know,
sometimes i really really really wish you were here to listen to me talk
but i know,
that's close to impossible.
fιяєѕтαя | 5:13 PM | commentlink

Monday, April 13, 2009

campus superstar '09 finals
went to watch css ytd with kellyanne, jamie, huituan and kelyn
quite ok la
go everywhere also got people fetch de o_O
lots of people said they saw me on tv
lol, i prolly looked real retarded or something stupid. -.-
just went there to have fun? and stuffs
finals alr, so must as well go lor
hahhaha, in the end jarod won
quite expected? idk.
then aijia 2nd.... not bad? lol
after the thing fetched all of them back then went home
reached home at like.. 12.20?
ya. quite tired lor

nothing much alr. bbbb
fιяєѕтαя | 4:27 PM | commentlink

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday
didnt post for like the past 5days? lol
this week was really busy
kept coming home real late, except for monday
mmmmm, just some things that happened from monday

monday 6/4
nothing much?
had physics SPA
i think it was quite easy sia o_O
except for setting up
did a bit of guessing where to connect what
like positive of batt to positive of ammeter and stuffs
but i finished the whole thing freaking fast la...
then slack there
and mr tam came to me and saw my worksheet -.-
went home pretty early that day
had physics tuition in the evening

tuesday 7/4
hmmmm, can't rmb much
no test nothing
had the sel career thing
can't rmb what i was
alot of manager and analyst stuffs -.-
after that had theory lesson then went back to school
waited for grace and evan to finish their extra lesson then went to kfc @ tampines
i ate like ALOT there
then felt super bloated after eating, and all the way till chem tuition was over-.-

wed 8/4
school as per normal?
assembly was cool
mr kevin came back to lead expression
his wife was there as vocalist too
must admit that she sing quite well lol -.-
the songs were nice, even though i never heard of them before
really hope that there will be more of this kinda worship in school
after school waited for kelyn
then went to VJC!
was invited by the coach to watch the match
vjc vs hwa chong
guess the score man
totally IMBA can
8-0 to vj
quite pro sia they all
lol. the other school was like pretty noob?
the goal keeper didnt even make any save if im not wrong -.-
after that match went to talk with the coach
and guess what..
im going to play with them this wed!!!
kinda look forward to it xD
even though i'll be like quite lonely?
the other teacher there was like
'but still, studies first ah'
anyway, the school there also quite cool
still got like some people there cheering the girls team on. Lol
after that rushed home, bathed, tuition-ed
that day was super tiring man.
plus had chinese test the next day..
so studied till like 1.30? -.-
yeah, very exhausted Lolol

thursday 9/4
had 2 test ytd
chinese and e.math
chinese ar...
yan yu i think a bit hard
but hope i pass and no need to copy man
zzzzz, always have to copy
super tiring for my hand la
e.math was like quite screwed?
couldnt do like 4marks worth of questions. ;(
hope got no careless mistakes, or else i do even worse.
after school had chem extra lessons
wasted a lot of time waiting for the rest of the class to come back la..
zzzzz or else could have finished earlier -.-
after school went to tm with kellyanne jamie huituan and lixuan
walk out of the class a bit then kena caught for attire by csj -.-
and i was still eating la
then finish my last bite that time
still kena scolded for chewing :(
Lol! but quite funny
went to tm to eat at swensens
i didnt eat la, cause so ex there. Lol
kelyn came to meet us..
then 2 of us went to buy movie tickets to fast and furious 4
freaking ex la -.-
but kellyanne pay for me lol =/
thanks ah.
anyway. after eating ran all the way to watch movie
cause we were late -.-
then met bryan, yanjing and samuel there? i think lol
the movie was quite nice? lol
duno. was quite tired but didnt sleep
the racing part quite cool
anyway after that walk walk ard at tm awhile
then walk walk at tampines 1 awhile
it was flooding people there can -.-
anyway just walk walk awhile lor
then went home to bath then went to church for maundy thurs cum good friday service
had overnight prayer
quite ok ba..
but left earlier...
really couldnt stand it lor
i was rly tired. then kept wanting to fall asleep
so went home washed up then sleep
sleep at like 12.

today is Good Friday! woke up at 11.30!!!!
and im here blogging lolol
going to musuem later. kk
gtg alr
parents nagging. byee
fιяєѕтαя | 12:14 PM | commentlink

Sunday, April 5, 2009

physics spa tmr
look at this
'With Adebayor also now firing on all cylinders following his eight-week spell out of action because of a hamstring problem'
8weeks sia
but i won't take that long la. hahahah
cause im young. :]
my muscle feel much better already
but still got limp abit when i walk -.-
spent my day yesterday at my cousin's house
heheheh, i feel so hardworking. xD
then sleep over there

today.... went to church in the morning
then study in the afternoon
hahahha, feel so nerd
but i feel asleep for like 1hr plus-.-
cause ytd play till like 2+ then sleep
so shiokkkk
long time never play till so late
even though its not rly say late-.-

physics spa tmr!
hope i won't screw up man
the nerd's gonna go study alr
fιяєѕтαя | 7:06 PM | commentlink

Friday, April 3, 2009

1month from mye
was trying to do some work
but obviously failed
that's why im here

can't even do my a.math tuition hw properly
srsly super fed-up with work sometimes
try so hard to do but then still don't know how to do
so annoying
finally give up and came to slack awhile

i am very tired
can't concentrate on my work at all nowadays
keep thinking of other stuffs when doing my work
until im so irritated by myself

i'mma go try doing some work, again
wish me luck~
fιяєѕтαя | 9:56 PM | commentlink

1st hamstring strain ever o_O

yo suppp
went to see the doc ytd night
and guess what?
i injured my left hamstring!!!1
-.- strained it. zzz.
now it's so hard to even go to the toilet la
sit on the toilet bowl my muscle also pain
then obviously i can't squat....... >.>
school was quite short today
had hair and attire check which was quite dumb
joseph tam just look at everyone so quickly and like most of them passed the check -___-
after that had some chiang rai meeting thingy
its during june this year
and we, the sec4s, can go back
but i doubt anyone of us is going lor ;(
actually wanna go, but like no one going back. zzzz
maybe end of year aft o levels ;D

lessons were quite fast...
failed one of my chinese yan yu test thingy
then have to copy 5times
and the passage is like frickin looooonnnggg zzzzzzz
pe was quite dumb la
i hate tan meng tong
bias and unfair
anyway, didnt take napfa.
cause i strained my hamstring -.-
then next week no pe. so saddening

after pe slacked in school for awhile
tried to finish chinese corrections but couldnt
went to pasir ris with kellyanne, jamie, huituan, lixuan and kelyn
lol, just go there eat and slack-.-
and destress. lol
mid years are coming soon, yet to start studying
super stresseddd
i took freakin long to eat the chicken leg thingy la
the person came to clear the plates then left mine behind
the rest all finish alr. lol =/
after eating just talk and slack lor
then walk walk ard then come home

Good news : I GOT MY NEW LAPTOP!!
yayyyyy lol
kk i'mma go try it out now
fιяєѕтαя | 7:41 PM | commentlink

Thursday, April 2, 2009

1st ever 11v11 soccer match on soccer pitch!
yo suppppp!!
ytd after school
rushed to safra with kellyanne, kelyn, huituan and lixuan lol
took taxi there then i paid -.-
getting super poor now ;(
anywayyy, went there and changed
then went on the field
total about 20+ people
just nice for 2 teams ;D
jasper also went there
so played for both halfs
first half was quite weird?
cause not used their style and rhythm of play
yeah. then after awhile got myself more into the game i guess
and was able to contribute more and more
like getting more touches to the ball
yeah. Lol
missed 2 penalties -.-
actually 1 but retake. lol zzz.
anyhow kick lor
cause it was like my 1st and my 2nd shot. -.-
next time i should go earlier and warm up first
never even touch the ball before the match -_____-
quite fun
but tiring

i think i kinda injured or over stretched my left thigh muscles
cause i tried to stretch for the ball once
when the game was going to end
then yeah. lol. zz.
then there's pe tmr..
not sure if i can go for napha tmr
sit and reach, sbj and inclined.
2 of them need my thigh muscles to stretch? lol
i'mam go off alr
fιяєѕтαя | 12:51 PM | commentlink