Tuesday, April 21, 2009

3rd in last 2.4km
feeling real tired right now..
should post about my week

wed 15/5
went to vjc to watch soccer match between vjc and millinium institute(something like that, not sure lol(
as usual, vjc trashed them, so yeah -.- lol
super imba sia they
after the match they had training
so me and kelyn joined them
did warm up
then some passing games, dribbling. yeah
then had 4v4 matches
guess im not quite used to their style of playing?
and quite shy also, so didnt talk much. Lol =/
have to admit that they are quite pro
and i feel noob playing with them
but hope i can improve >.>
going back to train with them after mid years.

thurs 16/4
slacked in school after lessons with jessie lol
chat outside GO while she serve detention
tbh, its quite a good way to waste time and have fun. Lol
just talk alot of cock and slack lor. ya
went home at like 5+ with her and eunice...

sat 18/4
had english oral in the morning
totally zzz
i brought in my handphone into the hall -.-
then had to give to councillor lor.
went to mrs rosemary neo for oral
quite ok? i think
reading passage was ok. but i misread 1 part. and then word 'organisational' was misprounced once D;
picture was ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
totally duno what to say. so i anyhow lor
conversation was like dumb
the 1st qn about something where you did sth wrong or sth didnt link to the passage or picture la. -.-
then i anyhow make up some sht
then the 2nd qn about sports
something like 'is it alright to say that man is better then woman in sports?'
wa that 1 i can say myself as example sia
then should have alot of things to say, which i realised after the oral la..
zzzzzzzzzzz super wasted
but no point regretting also.

sunday 19/4
had church in the morning
didnt play drums though. hahaha
cause didnt need any-.-
they just used the CDs.
went into k2 class to teach the kids there
lol, i realised christian(one of the kids there) is quite cute Lol
he actually wrote my name on the worksheet where they say they wanna thank someone for teaching them God's word
and im really touched by him
like totally surprised by him lor
but im quite happy. lolol
after that went for make-up english tuition
then after tuition went to macs at 300+ there to study with kellyanne kelyn lixuan bryan ? i think. can't rmb Lol
did a.math like mad
got do a bit of chem also
then while studying, we saw some fighting going on outside
like WOW lol
got knife somemore?
then after that got police and ambulance o_O
and during the study 'session'
i was called an indian @_@ by lixuan's cousin
i feel so saddddd =/
studied till like 11+ then went home

tues 21/4
had 2.4km run at east coast after school
i ate like banana and the milo bar for energy when i was in school la . lol
took taxi there with the netball ppl
i was actually quite nervous before the run
cuz i scared i was noob and stuffs cause of my injuries this year-.-
did warm up and stuffs
started at the front part of the crowd with jessie so wasn't that bad, i guess
yup, at the start quite chiong cuz quite a lot of people
then after awhile quite infront liao
then keep run lor
i think my pace quite fast, but low stamina
but i kept running all the way anyway
in the end got 3rd...
could have done better
cuz the 3rd girl over took me during like the last 15m? and became 2nd.
then i became 3rd -.-
after i finish and took the card i immediately fall to the ground sia
fricking tired la cannnn
then i think cuz of that i got a cut on my right knee
and i kinda sprain my left waist or sth -.-
can't believe how injury prone i am.
i felt super good after finishing the run
never had such good a placing before. lol =/
thanks to those people who encouraged me lol
'man u will win 4 trophies this season' LOLOL
the encouragement was so so so important.
after that went to have my 1st burger in bk. if im not wrong
hahahha. im pro lol
then went home

hmmmm, i think i have to work on my stamina.
which means.....
many training at the stadium >.>

my left eye has been red since ytd
idk there's sth wrong with it
but it hurts sometimes
and i think i rly need a pair of specs soon ;(
after the health check up, at least
that is so sad ;(

off to do my work
mid years are really approaching
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