Friday, April 24, 2009

i need a friend-tutor or sth
school was quite ok today, i guess.
had pe....
did inclined pull up
sucks like shit... can do only 20? ...
plus my left thumb sprain la.. but i still did 20 anyway
then after that had to do sbj and sit n reach
sit and reach was like -.-
so.. my napfa results are.....
sit ups : 46 (A)
shuttle run : 10.9sec (A)
2.4km run : 10.47mins (A)
inclined pull ups : 20(A)
standing broad jump : 184cm(A)
sit and reach : 43cm(B)
zzzzzzz, still not all A....
haiz, im so noob zzzz

after sch went for music theory
sometimes, feel like stopping it lol
like after lessons all finish
then must rush to theory -.-
after that went back to school
then went to study with charis, lynn, karen and evan at the airport
photos at charis' blog... yeah
lol, did a.math there....
finally understood how matrices can solve simultaneous equations..

tmr's gonna be a long day
starting with chinese oral...
which im practicing now
hmmmmmm, i got a bad feeling im gonna flunk o levels chinese paper
i need some help with chinese..... anyone? =/
i need help in e.math and ss too....
zzzzzz. im so screwed for mid years
fιяєѕтαя | 10:46 PM | commentlink