Friday, July 31, 2009

even my parents dont know what is going on in my life
how can i expect others to understand me
if someone could understand
i'll be really contented

but no, that doesnt happen.

so many questions
but no answer
how frustrating.
fιяєѕтαя | 8:45 PM | commentlink

Thursday, July 30, 2009

basketball madness
yo sup
today was a rather long day i guess
pe was fun but kinda tiring
played basketball with the girls
lol kept running around till my stomach was dam pain
but was enjoyable, after so long without sweating out much during pe

chinese was lax as usual
a.math didnt do much
went through kinematics test that i didnt take cuz was on LOA
mr hamdan showed us some video from ted or something
kinda cool how those ppl thought up of these kinda stuffs
i'll be pondering over all those for weeks. lol

bought a oreo cheesecake jus now
the bag was huge man, like so much paper/plastic wasted
these kinda shops should have those kinda rebate thingy
like if you return 1 plastic bag in good working condition then they pay you 50cents or something
then can save earth lolol
but srsly, they'll save up on cost making them-.-

2 tests tmr
haiz, gonna go study
starting to lag a lot.
always keep no mood to study..
k bye
fιяєѕтαя | 5:09 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

im heavy? D:
yo sup
a pretty funny thing just happened
me and my bro were using the computers
then suddenly we heard someone keep repeating 'hello'
obviously it wasn't from anyone at home..
then we kept looking at each other, like super stunned
then my bro took out his phone from his pocket
and guess what? it was my aunt on the phone LOlol
plus it's on loud speakers-.-
so much for not locking the keypads..

today sch was ok i guess
got back ss test. 33/50
kinda screwing up all my test
got 4 more to take this week
hope i'll do well
im gonna go running later
so much for gaining so much weight >.>
thanks ar kellyanne and lixuan lol
now i feel like im dam heavy like that :(
aw sht. i just rmb i can't do sports
cuz my right foot kinda injured
need time to recover. can't even run lol
shall swim on sunday.
fιяєѕтαя | 5:21 PM | commentlink

Monday, July 27, 2009

gud times catchin up
yo sup
today was a short day at school
nothing much happened ba
got back chem test, and guess what
i failed. first time sia zzz
im starting to hate organic chem even more >.>

anyway, after sch went to white sands kfc to eat with charis yirong xinwei yongchen and clement
lol, long time didnt go out with them alr
talked quite a lot there, laughed like mad lol
good time to catch up with each other, lol
came home and slacked till now
going out soon to buy a new pair of shoes for school
the one i have now sucks
water keep going in when i step on wet floor -.-
and its kinda breaking apart.

history common test tmr D:
fιяєѕтαя | 5:51 PM | commentlink

Sunday, July 26, 2009

i'm too sensitive?
just back from church, super early huh?
went off after half hour
totally super frustrated
im like an invisible person
sometimes ppl dont even give a sht about me, i think
even though when im right infront of them
or maybe,
im just plain useless.
which is equally sucky.
today is totally screwed just by that

and people say im too sensitive
well, i can't help it can i?
maybe i should just quit, maybe.

off to ksf to vent my frustration and anger.
fιяєѕтαя | 10:04 AM | commentlink

Thursday, July 23, 2009

pe after so long
yo sup
today was a pretty short day in school
cuz all the lessons pretty slack
english did ne quiz
chem went through ws or sth, i forgot lol
physics mr tam didnt come
pe played soccer with my bro and his friends
double chinese spent in library doing own work
a.math was pretty slack
and there wasnt any extra lessons cuz no chinese and a.math cancelled

recess was funny
all the 'getting caught by SC cuz of smuggling food back to class' thing -__-
should start saving money alr
keep eating so much these few days lol
my afternoon was wasted, in a way that i wasn't studying
was watching summary of man utd 07/08 season

ok now back to math
fιяєѕтαя | 9:53 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

what a frustrating day
today was a super frustrating day
was like super tired after ytd and stuffs
then at the back of the classroom so dam hot
make me feel super pekchek and stuffs for the whole day zzz
but at least the chatting on the way home made me feel much better lol

hmmmmmm, i shall post some photos when im free
and now's not the time
tuition in like 45mins
chinese o level listening compre tmr
gotta listen real hard
and no napping during the paper.

kkkkk cya
fιяєѕтαя | 6:59 PM | commentlink

Monday, July 20, 2009

summary of weekends + today
yo sup
im so dam tired now
went to vjc in the afternoon to play with vjsg during their testimonial match
kinda cool ba, gud experience
but im definitely lacking in stamina
can't run. even though its just 35mins

weekends were kinda tiring too
went to kl to watch malaysia XI vs manchester united
gud experience too
i wanna go againnnnn lol
next time, its old trafford
hahahah xD

oh well
off to study organic chem awhile
or maybe i should just go sleep.....
fιяєѕтαя | 10:41 PM | commentlink

Friday, July 17, 2009

finally at sch after being on LOA
yo sup
finally went to sch
got lost in physics
the other subjects quite ok ba
chem ms chan keep calling my name LOl

yeap, anyway
off to malaysia tmr morning
gonna go watch man u!! :D
lol, cya all on sunday
fιяєѕтαя | 8:07 PM | commentlink

Thursday, July 16, 2009

uninstalled sf!
yo sup
i just uninstalled sf. hahaha
from tmr rly is no sf le.
study study study
before i start to regret
its 3days later its 99 days to o levels? i think
lol so fast...

yet to finish all my homework
yet to study for ss mock exam tmr
gg sia srsly
tmr must chiong in school alr

on another note....
vice cap of vjc girls soccer team just called me
monday gonna go vjc to play a match with the seniors there
hahahah, hoping to impress! :D
maybe gonna have dinner with them too
bonding time? hahahah maybe
i so wanna have fun with them
zzz soccerrrrr lol

2 days more and i'll be in kl watching manchester united!
off to sleep now, finally theres school tmr
cya all
fιяєѕтαя | 10:46 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

out during quarantine
today was a more productive day compared to yesterday
and tmr will be a even more productive day compared to today
last day of quarantine tmr.
guess ill have to chiong finish all the homework
fιяєѕтαя | 11:23 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

time to buck up
today is another wasted day
woke up cuz the staff called me from general office-.-
im feel very tired even though im not going to school
probably cuz im on the comp even more and play much more
e-learning kinda screws me up even more
very soon its gonna be prelims
then o levels
nothing much on stake for me, except for pride? lol idk.
just do well so that ppl wont look down on me.
no wonder i lost the motivation that i had for mid years
gotta find it back
and i gotta start working
have to do it for myself and also, God.

guess its time to really start working
and im not gonna be going back to games anytime soon,
now, off to do work, alone.
fιяєѕтαя | 6:04 PM | commentlink

Monday, July 13, 2009

Marina barrage 11july
yo sup
being quarantined at home sure suck
you get distracted easily
it isnt rly a good environment to study in
and theres no one to ask if i dont know how to do a question D:

just some photos from the marina barrage trip on sat evening with my family

the rainbow in the gloomy sky
magnified rainbow o_O

some random photos, see all the cranes there, there are alot of those stuffs there -__-

some model of how the reservior works or something. its raining!

the closed bridge thingy, holding the water in

them opening, kinda cool? haahhah

fully opened ones, letting water out of the 'reservior' and into the sea

the taps closed, supposed to suck the water out of the reservior and channel it to sea during high tide

the water flowing out of the tap. obviously-__-

some mini model of the city area and the marina barrage and stuffs yeap
then thers this place when you can take photo using the screen and camera fixed onto the wall
then we kept playing with it. LOl
then we could see our photo on another screen
hilarious mannn
thats me -.-

my cousin

and my bro

the marina bridge from on top. looks like its a never ending bridge lawl

a restaurant there with ppl eating. the food looks really good >.>

the meter showing the depth of the water.. its like 102-103 metres deep

thats the thing that will open and close to hold/let water out

happened to have the national day parade rehearsal and the helicopters carrying the national flag flew past

the 'view' from the bridge

the pipes there. lol. the lower 1 has like so much algae on it-.-

yeap thats all. nowwwwwww
maybe i should go TRY and study...
so much for being at home.... affff
fιяєѕтαя | 3:04 PM | commentlink

Sunday, July 12, 2009

sibu island photos
yo sup
kinda bored now
some photos of my short trip to sibu island
only a few cuz the rest are with my aunt lol

the boring scenery we got in the car. palm tree after palm tree.

the scenery when we were taking the boat to sibu island

the kelong we saw on the way there. like some house in the middle of the sea, lol

the shore of sibu island with all the casuarina trees

the clear water? lol. there are some small fishes in there

more casuarina trees and the shore.

the place where we lived in. like some hut o_O
the deer that lived under the air con thingy. lawl

the goat that never left its place, 2 days i was there it always stood there-.-

some birds in the cage

a random deer, there were like super alot of deers there for deer feeding Lol

the archery place, super small though -__-

a peacock, obviousuly-.-

the hotel lobby, kinda plain

the huge pipes along the causeway that carries water from johor to singapore, lol

the immigration and checkpoint building, seems like some fortress o_O

more photos on another day ba, when i get them -__-
off to do some workkk
fιяєѕтαя | 11:55 AM | commentlink

Friday, July 10, 2009

end of week 2 term 3 D:
yo sup
this week finally ended
kinda tiring ba
but i guess im used to it already
started studying officially for o levels ytd -__-
actually i realised i can study quite fast?
as in 1 day can do quite alot lol
english mock exam today was quite lame
finished the compre in like 30 mins?
then slept awhile lawl
did summary after that but gave up half way
i was like only 3/4 through and alr had 180 words-.-
so slack lor, like quite hard to do the summary
in the end chiong to redo it in the last 15mins
theory lesson after that

nothing much ba
gonna start to use my time wisely
and prepare for o levels
no joke >.>
if i could do it for mid years
i'll definitely do better next time

apart from studies............
it'll be my 2nd time watching them alr
so excited sia!! hahahah
off to relax awhile
before i study
fιяєѕтαя | 5:37 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

chinese o levels oral
yo sup
today screwed up chinese o levels oral
conversation topic was killer
duno what cheng gong ren shi. -.-
but nvm, whats over is over
shouldnt think about it

anyway today after sch went to yohana's house
did math there lol
evan karen suan ching charis and yohana were playing cards-.-
see im so hardworking xD
had english tuition just now

haiz realised i got alot to do
in such little time
just now i felt kinda tired
then went into the room
just nice the study bible on the bed
so i just anyhow flipped
and guess what
i flipped to this:

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will ruun and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:29-31

God is good.
just a great time for such an encouragement
i shall continue to perservere to study for o levels and do my best for the glory of the Lord
cya arounddd
fιяєѕтαя | 10:56 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

first looooooooong day at sch
yo sup
at last my tiring day is about to end
school was super long today sia
lessons from 8 to 5-.-
its like working hours alr man
its like never ending lesson after lesson
boring sia lol
after sch went home
awhile then go e.math tuition-.-
tmr got chinese o levels oral sia
lol hope i dont screw =/
still got lots of work to do
its like a never ending pile of homework

1 bad thing today
i think i injure my left foot?
the top of my foot suddenly pain during el lessons when i put force on it
until now still pain
i think im like the only person who can get this kinda stuffs
i just sit down suddenly my leg/hand/any part of my body can feel pain-.-
like just walk also can injure
this is getting bad :(

enough of this
time to go read His word.
a good way to calm down
fιяєѕтαя | 11:04 PM | commentlink

Monday, July 6, 2009

youth day '09 o_O
yo sup
was supposed to go running at ecp with serene but the weather let us down D:
and forecast says that its gonna continue raining the whole week
lol, that sucks
today was a pretty wasted day
woke up quite late cuz ytd played cum studied till 3+.. -.-
did a bit of work only
then when my bro came back from my cousin's house then keep playing
he is a bad influence :(

ok from tmr onwards i shouldnt play anymore
lol, supposed to quit a few days ago but went back to playing
if keep continue like this....
im gonna flunk o levels man
maybe can't even make it to vjc-.-
made up my mind,
i should not reject my soccer dsa chance
since its my passion and dream
now its back to study.......
fιяєѕтαя | 5:34 PM | commentlink

Saturday, July 4, 2009

AYG'09 semi-finals + finals
today was a long day
supposed to start it with a run at stadium but in the end didnt go zz
reached sch at 9 with evan
then after that went to watch ayg fiba semi-finals and finals in ish
the semi-finals quite nice
the guys semi-finals btwn philippines and china dam close
both sides quite aggressive
if only philippines won lol
the philippines players all quite short compared to the china players
but they all dam pro, jump dam high
coool sia. lol, but in the end lose.....
but they still showed strong fighting spirit ahhahha
respect ya. lol

then korea vs iran, both sides quite aggressive also
lol, but in the end iran win
hahahah, 1 guy in iran team dam pro sia lol
cool, hahaha

the girls finals was quite close
japan vs china
in the end japan won through a free throw hahaha
the guys final was dam close la
left 3 sec iran trailing by 3 points
then 1 guy pass to the other guy and he scored a 3pointerrrrr
but nt counted-.-
dam wasted siaaaaa
everyone was like cheering somemore
if counted then he become everyone's hero siaaa

the loser match between thailand and korea girls okok ba
not bad, in the end korea win
loser match between philippines and korea guys was quite contested
almost fight somemore sia
lol, the guy who looked like some kiddo from korea wanted to go hit the philippines guy
lucky the teammate stopped him
in the end korea won

so guys 1st-china, 2nd-iran, 3rd-korea
girls 1st-japan, 2nd-china, 3rd-korea
wonder how the players feel
like a super cool opportunity to show their talents
and its so tensed and stuffs on the court
lol, its like all their concentration must be focused in the game
1 mistake and it might cost you everything
really need to be tough mentally
lol, hmmmmmm
lots of thoughts over the matches today

anyway after that went to music lesson
4-6, 2hours in the studio
quite accomplished ba
at least can play a song, w/o rhythm
can prac till w/ rhythm next week alr
quite nice song also.
after that went to search for a new printer
it broke down suddenly
i think cos of e-learning la
print so much stuffs-.-
till my printer died :(
in the end now got a new printer! hhahahah
had dinner at hans with my parents
then went to white sands with my mum cos we thought there got sony ericsson shop
needed to service my phone cos the # button not working
when i sms cannot press spacebar lol
but in the end go there realised dont have
so walk walk awhile then homed

ytd went downstairs to play soccer with my bro for awhile
then kinda injure my right ankle a little
now ice-ing it
lol, feels numb D:
everytime play injured
think something is srsly wrong
gotta change sth hahahha
okkkkkkk gtg alr
tomorrow will be a better day
fιяєѕтαя | 10:26 PM | commentlink

Friday, July 3, 2009

went out for lunch with my bro today
the last time we both went out to eat together was 912571947219 days ago zzz
waaaaaa, its impossible to get my bro understand/respond to anything that i say man
told him some stuffs
but he was like ignorant? maybe not
he just didnt care much
things like that might not make sense to him much
guess younger bros are just too inmature to understand such stuffs
not saying that im very mature la... but they are just thinking about playing most of the times
hope things will change as time goes by
well, it sure will
what differs is 'when'.

so, after lunch
my mind is still in the same 'state'
don't think it will change much anyway
no one seems to have the time for me.
well, i'll find someone.
and i know who will.
fιяєѕтαя | 2:49 PM | commentlink

uncle passed practical!

yo sup
my uncle passed his practical exam for driving today!
after like 3years + being banned now can finally drive legally
quite long sia actually
well at least now can go out more with my uncle
he already got a list of places to go after he got back his license, lol
can't wait for it xD
at least i can go out more
rather than rot at home

ok, no more sf from today onwards
i promise myself kkkkk
feel quite accomplished after finishing 1 e.math hw lol
even though got lots of blanks -.-
but stilll...... its a work done
and i got more
so i shall do tmr
my bed is calling me now
fιяєѕтαя | 12:17 AM | commentlink

Thursday, July 2, 2009

quality in life?
'what matters is not the years in your life but life in your years'

i am bored
life is boring
i have no life zz, everyday at home slack play do hw
no quality in life
about time major changes take place
fιяєѕтαя | 1:14 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

home based learning sucks zz
hbl sucks man
it keeps making me on my laptop
and then i'll get distracted and end up playing
just like what happened jus now -.-

my bro's probably in sch watching ayg now
and im rotting at home
apparently not doing my work >.>
i'd rather go sch to watch ayg man
at least thats something fun.

been thinking of lots of stuffs, these few days
and i came to realise more stuffs about myself
everytime i'm alone outside i'll start emo-ing, for no particular reason
then i'll think and think of lots of stuffs
zzzzz it's weird that i don't even understand myself sometimes
complicated huh, lol.

off to do some homework
can't keep slacking alr zz

maybe i did it for the wrong reasons
but what can i do?
somehow, i need something to fill up the space
but what will?
fιяєѕтαя | 3:18 PM | commentlink