Thursday, January 29, 2009

aaaa tireddd
i have like so many problems now-.-
my whole body is like itching from head to toe rofl
could barely sleep last night cause i was scratching like mad
slept only after taking medicine

im so darn TIREDDDD
and i keep getting headache in the afternoon, like now =[
haizz something is rly wrong with me lul

anyway, off to practice my electone
exams this march!!

oh well, cya guys
fιяєѕтαя | 5:45 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

back from malaysia!
lol, just came back from malaysia today
journey from malacca to malaysia custom : 1hr 45mins
journey from malaysia custom to end of singapore custom : 1hour
1hour's kinda short alr
my uncle took 3hours to pass the singapore custom on the way to malacca last saturday, gg

mannnn, i was just a few metres from the accident area
and a few metres away from being knocked down by a skidding car
i can never forget what it is like man >.>

anyway, im so dead tired
the trip back home was spent sleeping, looking out of the window and memorising the chinese gong han to myself, Lol

had breakfast in the hotel today cause we had some voucher thingy
lol, the food's kinda nice
after that went to walk ard
went back to hotel to pack and wait for my mum's secondary sch friend to come and visit my mum and us
its like, wow
so long already still keep contact and still talk so much LOL
wonder how life was for them then o_O
chat for awhile then her friend went off
packed then drove back to singapore

had dinner at my uncle's house just now
mannnn, school tmr and i've yet to study for my tests D:

there's still pics of the time i spent in malacca
but lazy to post for now
im back to studying chinese
cyaaaaa ~
fιяєѕтαя | 10:29 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CNY '09
lol, in malaysia atm hahahha
im using the hotel internet :D
came here ytd morning/afternoon
and guess what?
sucks mann
2 years back during june we forgot 1 whole bag of clothes-.-
forgetful much? -___-

after reaching malacca ytd went to check in at hotel lol
after that went to eat street side nasi lemak!!
daym, its so nice @_@
after that went to visit my aunt's family
had dinner at my grandaunt's house
the adults were like gambling lol
i have pictures!!
but i cant' upload atm
will do when im back in sg kk lul

went to swim in the morning just now
and now im off to eat lunch at my aunt's family house, i think?

im so confused about calling them in english -.-
and happy visiting!
fιяєѕтαя | 12:31 PM | commentlink

Sunday, January 25, 2009

chinese new year eve '09
this weekend is really busyy
lets see..

woke up and did some work before going to a.math tuition
came back and started packing after lunch
pack and pack till evening
went out at night to eat at a chinese restaurant
the food is real niceeeee
ate alot hahhaha
i think im gonna gain weight after cny =/
went to buy stuffs for cny o_O
kinda late but w/e lol

sundayyy aka today -.-
woke up and went to church early to play drums!
drums is the love mannnn aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
kinda screwed up 1 song though =/
gotta buck up!
anyway, spent the rest of today packing
feel kinda accomplished ;D
gonna go for reunion dinner at my 大伯's house now

going off to malaysia tmr!
my uncle and family alr went ytd morning
i love the food in malaysia! ^_^
gonna miss school on wed though D:
no sch celebration this year =[
oh well, cya guys on thursday then. lol

fιяєѕтαя | 6:25 PM | commentlink

Friday, January 23, 2009

achieving dreams?
today pe was a total waste of time cause i couldnt do anything-.-
after that went for bbq briefing then rushed home
rushed to pasir ris mrt after that and walked all the way to our bbq pit in pasir ris park with jac and sim juan lol
soooo farrr >.>
quite fun being a station master xD
we bought fries cause our station was in the stables in pasir ris park LOl ;P
had to leave when they were setting up the fire cause i had steamboat at night
dad fetched me to my uncle's house to have steamboat!
kinda nice, just hope i won't get diarrhoea ><

now im alone at home cause my whole family's at vivo watching red cliff 2
didnt go cause i alr watched it with evan
mannnn i think my eyesight is failing me
cause in history lessons i should see the words on the slides properly
or maybe it's cause of the fonts
i hope =/

gotta recover fast
gotta train alot
gotta study much harder

life's gonna be tough
theres so much going on
but i won't give up ;D
press onnnnnnnn

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^_^
fιяєѕтαя | 10:10 PM | commentlink

Thursday, January 22, 2009

GOD is good!
im so shocked and happy and anxious and excited and worried now
but i just wanna thank God
God is soooo goooooood! ;D

maybe you'll ask what this is all about
but trust me, you'll find out soon ;P

fιяєѕтαя | 8:25 PM | commentlink

war of the rats

lol had english presentation today D:
kinda screwed it, got 7marks lol
i was like, nervous, rly nervous rofl
but at least it's over!

mmmmm, i think when i walk
i cant rly walk normally
lol -.-
it's like, i keep putting more weight on my left leg when i try walking normally
aaaaaaaa, did i get use to putting more weight on my left leg too much till it got used to it alr? >.>

i feel really jealous =/
but im not gonna say what im jealous about =X

off to do my school work
being a sec4 is real busyyyy
fιяєѕтαя | 7:29 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

had some school test today during fti-.-
lol, asked stupid qn. i think everyone got full marks
after school had a.math trigo extra lessons
lolz, other classes got people come also
but in the end only like less then 15 people -__-
mannnnnnn there's like chinese test tmr
gotta memorise!!!! >.>

lots of things on my mind currently
fιяєѕтαя | 5:25 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

i got my IC!
had chem test first thing in the morning today
thought it was kinda alright lol
finished it like 20mins before it ended-.-
got 16 for physics test, i think xD
not bad la, considering i found it rly hard =/

got my IC during recess ahhahah ;P
it was a looooonggg wait after seeing so many people getting theirs >.>
my photo is kinda ok la -.- lol
better then any of my ezlink cards or w/e

we're changing seats tmr!
hope i get a goooooood seat =/
bad feeling that im gonna get sick
trigo extra lessons tmr!
time to go do some work before sleeping

i know myself too well
but no one knows me that well?
fιяєѕтαя | 9:54 PM | commentlink

Monday, January 19, 2009

injury hit
i guess it's still 2-3weeks before i sorta recover from my injuries, although it might not fully recover
sighh, it sucks when you injure 3 out of 4 limbs >.>
i srsly wanna recover asap
but for that to happen, i need to rly take care of myself properly
srsly need help from you guys in school/church/etc. lol

will try to not exert myself too much
and that also mean less writing, lol
chem test tmr and im off to study!
fιяєѕтαя | 9:58 PM | commentlink

Sunday, January 18, 2009

i changed my blogskin ;O
lol, i changed my skin!!
all thanks to evan. ahhahah ;P
anywayy, idc if it sucks or w/e alr cause im so busy with stuffs i got no time i change it anymore

went to church just now to play the drums for worship!
im getting addicted to playing the drums
though im not very good at it YET =/
lol, its so enjoyable

went for alpha intro dinner at church yesterday night
really wanna thank God for letting my uncle and aunt go for this year's alpha course :D
hope they'll receive salvation
anyway, im going to ma kuang later to 推拿 again
hope both my wrists and right foot will heal soon
i don't wanna miss pe anymore

fιяєѕтαя | 12:09 PM | commentlink

Friday, January 16, 2009

im lighter!
went to school as usual today
didnt go for assembly again lol
but in the end went to main sch hall cause all chiang rai ppl were supposed to go there -.-
limped all the way there to see them all seated down filling up some form lol
tried to sit on the floor but too pain so sit on chair lor
filled up the form and got back our journels.
daym, i so wanna go back after reading all that i wrote >.>

went to lab for ss. kinda slacked lolz
just finished up the wiki thingy
after that was chinese-.-
had to rush back to class room then all the way to 5th floor -.-
sucks to limp, even my left leg hurts lol
anyway i got 39/70 for the test zzz

after recess was pe-__-
brought down my chinese 听写 and a.math homework lol
had to take height and weight
im 163cm and 48.5kg
grew taller by 1cm-.-
became lighter by like, 3kg? LOl
must be the cambodia trip and me falling sick for a week+ after that lol
anyway after that did 改正 for 听写 lol
i failed 听写 so had to write like 14 x 20 = 280 times

miraculously, i could play table tennis!
looooooool, played with karen and joseph for awhile then went to watch basketball match while doing 听写改正 hahaha
finished it in the end ;D

had cca after that, kinda slack and stuffs
went home with my bro after that

mmmm, i kinda regret 1 terrible decision
too late though
look forward >.>

k byeeee
fιяєѕтαя | 6:54 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

unlucky or.. ?
guess what, went to school with 3 bandanged limbs @_@
if i'm right, i dont' remember having to bandange any limb till this kinda serious until now -.-
went to school wearing slippers cause my right foot was bandanged
skipped assembly
school was kinda ok, i guess
lol. after school had chemistry extra lessons
sorta finish a.math homework in school then went home

the journey home was plain TORTUROUS >.>
had to limp all the way out of the school gate and down the hill to the mrt station
then limp to the bus interchange and after getting down the bus i had to limp home =[
it hurts so much
kinda sucks zz lol
have to walk real slow -___-

aahhhh physics test tmr
off to study~~~~~~~~
fιяєѕтαя | 10:20 PM | commentlink

Monday, January 12, 2009

release of 2008 'O' levels results
went to school with 2 bandanged wrists
lol, go everywhere people say
'last week 1 wrist then this week 2 wrists ar? what happened sia' and stuffs like that lol
plus now my right foot is kinda injured too
swollen ftl =[
got this feeling that im really unlucky nowadays
things arent going my way >.>
can't even sleep at night man
last time lie down not even 5mins already deep in sleep
sighhhhhhhhhh zzz

anyway, after school the HCL people got back their chinese results
some were happy
some were relived
some were sad
man, it's gonna be my turn soon later on in the year when i get back my chinese results zzz
looking at their reactions
it really motivates me to study hard lol
really hope that it won't be a lousy result that i see then
had to go and attend the release of o lvls results of the previous sec4 batch
the atmosphere was kinda tense
could see that some of them were pretty nervous
zzzz i wanna do well next year

i so have to work hard already
off to do some work now
fιяєѕтαя | 8:51 PM | commentlink

Sunday, January 11, 2009

MKC worship ministry ;D
went to mkc to play drums today ;D
getting more and more involved in this lol
kinda like it ^_^
daniel was playing the piano

after worship went down to play soccer with the guys
despite having body aches and injuries =/
lol, play for like 50mins
the ball went into the field once and out on the road twice -.-
had to ask other ppl to help us take
super hilarious sia
once, anders kick the ball out
then after the person throw the ball over the 1st low fence
he tried to kick it over the high fence and FAILED
then the ball bounce back to the opposite side of the road
gg sia lol
then ask another guy to take-.-

after that went up to mkc to help with the k1 kids
then after that went to ma guang to see doctor to massage
its like wtheck so PAIN @_@
spent like almost 1hr there
my mum also did massage ahahha
then after that went to have lunch
went to church for mkc worship ministry meeting
quite cool, im their drummer! :D
but i quite noob la -.-
another of their drummer, gordon couldnt play cause he's in another ministry and the timings clash
so thats why im their only drummer hah ;P

talked about a few things like :
1. what we were gonna do for the year
2. how it will be like
3. when will the team practice and how will we do it
4. what are the reasons that we're doing this or the purpose of this ministry

yup, after that kinda 'chat' with gordon for awhile while walking out
got his number too o_O
lol, hes kinda cool
never seen him around though, only today when i saw him playing drums for the youths
man hes proooooooo >.>
anyway, there's 2 pianist(jasmine and daniel) and 1 drummer(me-.-)
lol after that went home

now i got 2 bandanged wrists-.-
type this whole post also my right wrist pain
dont think im gonna update much alr
cause the doctor say don't use computer too much, no sports, no carrying heavy stuffs, etc.
off to do some school work
fιяєѕтαя | 2:32 PM | commentlink

Friday, January 9, 2009

cca orientation day
bad news =[
both my hands are kinda injured cause of pe lol
played basketball >.>
few times tried to stop those long balls with my hands
and then banged it a few times
did touch the ball a few times too lol
and that totally screwed my hands
and maybe my right foot is injured too.
now the already tough job of writing is getting tougher

anyway after school was cca orientation for the sec1
i forgot to bring cca tee lol so didn wear obviously-.-
went to take laptop from mr hamdan then went to set it up
then slack for like a few hours
watch the 'show' by the uniform groups lol =/
and joked with cheryl, xinwei, shuting, meixuan etc. lol
after that went home

i think im dying somehow with my many injuries and a cough D:
no school tmr, it's a saturday

dammm, off to do my a.math tuition homework
fιяєѕтαя | 9:43 PM | commentlink

Thursday, January 8, 2009

my seat sucks >.>
suppp lol
changed seats today
now im seating at the 2nd row beside sean and huilu, behind jeremy and infront of hanyang
mmmmmm no one to talk to >.>
it's so boringgg
and i have to sit there for like 2weeks.. >=(
at least at my previous seat is at the last row and i can talk to kelly-anne
now no one to talk to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
man im so gonna emo alone in class now =[

mr heok didnt come to school today so we wasted our time doing zuo ye -__-
yay pe tmr!!
hope i can play man... or not, we're playing badminton.. aaaa
sad case for me man rly =[

now to prac my electone
hope my right hand can play properly man
fιяєѕтαя | 6:45 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

life now is so fast paced
even if i slow down, wanting to chat with people
no one will slow down with me to chat
zzz how then to not be lonely?
fιяєѕтαя | 9:58 PM | commentlink

left or right

i didnt finish my english compo =[
i started writing it with my left hand then right then left
then when mrs ganesan said 5mins more i used my right
lol, actually can have more time to write cause my right hand injured
but i told her no need. lol-.-
but its ok, can use to train my left hand too ;D
i kinda like my seat now
easy to slack behind and stuffs lol
too bad we're changing tmr D;

sigh, can't play pe for like 1month zzz
long time since i played any sport.
still temporarily quit taekwondo
o levels can srsly screw your life >.>
off to do some english tuition homework
fιяєѕтαя | 4:13 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

having a terrible cough now
everytime i cough i can feel my whole chest like 'vibrating' lol-.-
haizz work's already piling in
today was ok ba
had sch
then didnt know there was extra SEL lessons
then hafta ask music teacher to make theory lesson 50mins later lol
after that went back to school to ask what time sec1 cca auditions end
jason said around 5+ so decided to go home first
in the end saw charis, evan, ying xuan and debra then went to eat though debra didnt go
did some math then went home to bath then to chem tuition
after that went to eat at bedok
go home do homework and now im blogging
k that was dumb lol

but kinda sucks-.-
whole day like keep moving around
or having stuffs to do
like workkkk, homeworkkkkkkk
k time to sleep
sweet dreams people! ;D
fιяєѕтαя | 10:51 PM | commentlink

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Injured wrist
went to church today to play drums in MKC!
lol, im sorta in the mkc musician team ;D
i love drums ;x
anyway after church went to have lunch then went to 马光

i sort of injured my wrist since i went cambodia but didnt see a doctor
whenever i use alot of energy my right wrist would hurt =[
finally decided to go to 马光 for 推拿. lol
in the end my right wrist got bandaged -.-
after that went to english tuition
already missed 1whole month of tuition cause i went overseas and stuffs
the teacher is mdm sue and she's pretty cool lol
but theres quite alot of homework for her lessons >.>

pfffttttt kk off to do some work
fιяєѕтαя | 3:28 PM | commentlink

Friday, January 2, 2009

1st day of school
1st day of school in 2009
started out with talks in main school hall which were boring
then had form teacher interaction
mrs ganesan(how do you spell her name o_O) is really hilarious loool
had recess then target setting
wasted time cause i didnt bring my report book lol ;s
we had p.e after that
kinda weird having p.e during the last 2periods
always had it before recess lol

my bro got in AHS! woooootzzz
this means i don't have to wake up so early and be the first to reach class anymore!
lol =/
really wanna thank God for not forsaking him even though he had a slim chance to come to my school
turns out that someone rejected to come in so the LAST slot for 2009 sec1 was then given to my bro
mannnnnnnnnnnnnn, is he honoured to get the last slot. lol
anyway, he's in 1responsibility o_O
really looooooooooonnnnnnnng class names this year o_O
no more a b c d e f g h j k l >.>

nothing much already
fιяєѕтαя | 4:45 PM | commentlink

Thursday, January 1, 2009

1st post and Happy New Year!


lol just had to do that for my first post
new year, new blog ;D
realised its kinda dumb making posts on a blog when no one reads it -.-
so i made a new one lol

just some new year resolutions :
1. do not be late for anything like tuition/school/church etc. -.-
2. get into a decent JC that i want
3. really do something about my walk with God after drifting away for a long time
4. try to be closer to my family/relatives/friends o_O
5. stay happy (kinda unbelieveable i'd write that but w/e lol)
6. do not procrastinate lol
7. save as much money as possible because of the economic crisis and blah blah blah
8. try and be a better person/friend/sister. and i do mean this.

there's more but those above kinda sum up everything, i guess............... =/
school's starting soon and i realised i haven't do much homework o_O
and i havent post about my holidays yet
as in about my trips to thailand,cambodia and malaysia
gotta to do them soon before work from school piles in
ok byeeeeeee for now
fιяєѕтαя | 4:00 PM | commentlink