Friday, January 16, 2009

im lighter!
went to school as usual today
didnt go for assembly again lol
but in the end went to main sch hall cause all chiang rai ppl were supposed to go there -.-
limped all the way there to see them all seated down filling up some form lol
tried to sit on the floor but too pain so sit on chair lor
filled up the form and got back our journels.
daym, i so wanna go back after reading all that i wrote >.>

went to lab for ss. kinda slacked lolz
just finished up the wiki thingy
after that was chinese-.-
had to rush back to class room then all the way to 5th floor -.-
sucks to limp, even my left leg hurts lol
anyway i got 39/70 for the test zzz

after recess was pe-__-
brought down my chinese 听写 and a.math homework lol
had to take height and weight
im 163cm and 48.5kg
grew taller by 1cm-.-
became lighter by like, 3kg? LOl
must be the cambodia trip and me falling sick for a week+ after that lol
anyway after that did 改正 for 听写 lol
i failed 听写 so had to write like 14 x 20 = 280 times

miraculously, i could play table tennis!
looooooool, played with karen and joseph for awhile then went to watch basketball match while doing 听写改正 hahaha
finished it in the end ;D

had cca after that, kinda slack and stuffs
went home with my bro after that

mmmm, i kinda regret 1 terrible decision
too late though
look forward >.>

k byeeee
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