Friday, January 29, 2010

2nd day of orientation!
yo suppp
2nd day of orientation!
nothing much now lar i think
got alot alot of cheers.. hahhaha
today got some games also.. but half way stop cause of lightning alert-.-
training wasnt exactly good today
well, it wasnt good at all actually-.-
couldnt concentrate
then hip and feet pain. zzzzz
irritating ttm sia
all this minor injuries, make you super frustrated..
but nvm lar. shouldnt let all these pull me down
must still train hard and improve

mmm. no mood to type anything le..
lots to say but here isnt the best place.
fιяєѕтαя | 11:38 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

you motivate me on
yo sup!
school's starting real soon
everyone's knowing their posting results and all.
so.. life's going fine now
major change soon.
jc life is starting in another day or so.
quite excited lar actually
wonder how everything is going to be like.

anyway, training 6 times a week for like 2months plus le
everything is like normal to me already
even having a short break of like 3-4 days seems quite weird to me.
hahahha, with school starting cfm more hectic.
but then i think i will enjoy it even more
training now like more competitive
everything with a higher intensity
somehow its like more serious andstuffs.
cause like pre-season.
tiring and stuffs lar. but i think i can cope and excel(i hope)
everything is going ok now i guess
except for a niggling hip injury for the past month or so?
minor but then very irritating
really hope that it will go off, like real soon
so that training can really really go 100%
hmmm. other than that... nothing much lar.
hahahhah must sleep early le!
goodnight! (:
fιяєѕтαя | 12:34 AM | commentlink

Saturday, January 23, 2010

slowly bottling everything up
not my day
in no mood
to do anything

went shopping today with amalina karen and joanne @ queensway
quite fail sia. didnt buy anything myself. just go try shoes
and got bastard by the freaking indian shopkeepers there
try shoes cause like interested. but dont want buy
then in the end got called 'girls with mental illness'
fuck that.
afterthat bus-ed to beach road
got socks @ 2 bucks each. and fbts also, at 8.50 each
after that went to penin to meet seniors and mr lim to see boots
getting copa mundal i guess.
should be a good investment.
after that rushed to watch movie @ marina square w/ rachel
ran like siao, looked like some cock running with a rather big plastic bag and a sling bag in shorts and shirt-.-
but in the end tickets 10bucks so didnt watch..
dinner-ed at just acia
then walked all the way to beach road cause rach wanted to buy fbts
too bad the socks shop closed.
took mrt and bus home

afffffff. past 12 and i havent bath
dam no mood.
oh well. shall go bath like now, finally


no idea why, but i rather continue staring at my laptop screen then go sleep even though im fking tired.
no idea why, but i suddenly got super frustrated and pissed
school in less than a week.
super fast.
no idea what to type.
fιяєѕтαя | 12:00 AM | commentlink

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

can't help myself falling deeper
yo sup
quite busy nowadays
even though got quite alot of free time lar.. in the morning
but then still like keep moving around, doing stuffs.
not much time to catch up on myself.
lol school's starting in a week.
have to go and get ready for school and stuffs le.
can't believe everything is so fast.
so far things are ok i guess
able to cope,
that is when i have no school
when school starts..
really have to push myself and stuffs
confirm dam tired one

apart from that.....
quite confused over some stuffs recently
only a few people know, i think?
now like keep thinking
occupied in my mind already
aaaa. not a very good timing =/
hope things get over soon quickly
long day tmr. gdnight!
fιяєѕтαя | 11:03 PM | commentlink

Saturday, January 16, 2010

match against young womens
yo sup!
quite a long day
just reached home like half an hour ago
past few days nothing much lor.
finally able to go training. yup
but dunno why keep like running nose when on the pitch-.-
training or match like today.
dam sian sia. super hard to play.. plus my hip dunno why like pain when kick or sprint.

lunched at hawker centre @ pp with the team
then went school to study, lol
actually didnt do much lar. a few questions only-.-
then started preparing for the match
warm up then kick off at like 5pm
the match was ok i guess?
wasnt at my best
like got quite a few of mistakes here and there
dam sian sia...
like stupid mistakes somemore
must get rid of them already.
haizz. fitness wise i think still alot to improve
concentration also. sometimes like mentally not there.
then quite a few times went down on the ground
then goal kick also like sht lol. kick then hip pain, zzzz
but on the positive note i think got quite a few clearance and stuffs. only zz
after match went to banquet to have dinner
then went to berrylite for frozen yogurt
dam ex sia. but still got buy=/
bus-ed home
super crowded sia. lol
hilarious bus ride with jes. ahhahahhaha

just iced my hip
but it feels quite warm? idk why lol
ytd also same -.-
lucky tmr sunday. afternoon can rest.
affff. quite frustrated with myself.
nvm gdnight
fιяєѕтαя | 11:41 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

porridge again
thats what im having for lunch
dam sian.
it sucks to be sick
sucks even more to be sick and you cant go training. :(
super boring at home now
actually got quite alot of things to do lar
like packing and stuffs. but no mood to do all that
should have just taken care of myself a bit better then wont fall sick.
too late to regret.
guess i have to just learn from this lor.
anyway i didnt go for perth just to get sick! lol
hope tmr can go training.
shall see how fast i recover
ok time to eat! cya!
fιяєѕтαя | 12:18 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

back from perth! and yet another disappointment
yo sup!
long time no update
just back from perth yesterday
was a really enjoyable trip
gained a lot of things on the trip
really worth the money man
only bad thing of this trip is that i kinda fell sick
and i got a really bad sore throat
so i couldnt train today and thats why im here updating.
perth is a really beautiful place
and the place where we stayed at was great.
the dining hall is awesome
the food was ok lar
starting like dam nice like that
but after awhile keep eating same thing then you get tired of it. lol
bought quite a bit of things home
my luggage was 20.6kg when i checked it in -.-
lots of nougats, cheese, some biscuits, chocolates, fudge.
2 shirt, slippers, a belt. idk cant rmb.

i think after this trip the team will be even more bonded
and i personally feel closer to the team
after sharing a wonderful and memorable experience with them in perth
had an insight about sports science and also like what it is about and what they do.
on the pitch also had some gametime
and also experience playing with ang moh and people of better skill than you
lots of things actually
but im not gonna say everything here lar

anyway about 6hours after touching down in singapore ytd i received my o levels results
so what did i get? 9 points before minusing off just 1. final is 8 points.
yup. not very happy with it, not sad also
fine with the score..
but then sadly some people just screws everything up for you.
told my mum on the phone what i got and she was like
'haiya see la who ask you watch so much tv, if not you can do better, blah blah blah'
ya of course i can do better, everyone can, unless you get 6points.
but thats not the point.
the point is that she doesnt even say good or well done or something
other parents will be like good or something to encourage or cheer you up right.
mine just makes me feel like i got freaking 54 for o levels.
so ya fuck that.
i dont care if i get 9 or i get 20.
if i get 20 and she says the same thing of course i wont mind.
but its 9. not saying its very good lar.
but cmon mannn. zzzzz
its just like PSLE.
same old thing.
A levels, i can just see it coming.
probably another disappointment.
fιяєѕтαя | 5:34 PM | commentlink

Sunday, January 3, 2010

shopping for perth!
yo sup.
going to perth like tmr. super fast lol
yesterday was a super long day
training from like 8 to 12. dam long.
did shifting, sprints, gym and core.
after that went to have lunch at killiney with my grandma dad and mum
then went to shop at OG.
bought a swimming costume specially for perth lol
cause the one i have now sucks and cannot fit alr=/
bought bras also lol
after that just slacked around while waiting for hx jess cheryl rach rech and sooks lol
went to 313@somerset
spent like most of the time in uniqlo
bought a tank top and a t-shirt.
plus got a pair of shorts they bought for me from cotton on.
yup so i spent like super alot of money
after that took mrt to bedok to meet jiahui serene weien hanyang and alvin
then went to pasir ris to find cheryl
then went to some place to makan.
not bad lar.
eat till quite full lol.
after thatn went to my uncle's house for a visit
then went home

oh ya i watch avatar on friday evening
was super long but dam nice lol
blue aliens ftw
watched until i was dam tired cause didnt sleep much the night before
i mean didnt even sleep for like more than 1hour-.-

sian i still havent started packing.
got alot to pack sia
k shall pack after my lunch. zzzz
cya after perth trip! :D
fιяєѕтαя | 12:46 PM | commentlink

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010!! Happy New Year!!!!
yo sup
finally its 2010.
new year, new goals.
going to have a change in my life also
no more secondary school lol
now jc already, even more busier, even more tiring.
but i can cope with it i guess. hahahah
also will have my first season in vjsg.
definitely gonna be a memorable one.

new year resolutions :
1. have a memorable and great season this year in vjsg
2. improve myself as a soccer player
3. try to do well in my studies i guess
4. continue to improve in playing the drums/organ/guitar and the theory stuffs
5. go closer to God

yup. nothing much actually. hahaha
super busy this few days.
tuesday stayed over at rachel's house to do team night stuffs
wednesday had training + team night.
thursday aka ytd had match with SA and stay over at huang's house
rush around quite a bit.

gonna go cut hair later.
dunno what to cut sia lol
i just realised that i have a lot of embarrassing things happening to me, especially these few days lol zzzzzz
k just being random
gonna go sleep soon, catch up on my sleep.
didnt even sleep for an hour this morning-.-
fιяєѕтαя | 11:19 AM | commentlink