Tuesday, January 12, 2010

back from perth! and yet another disappointment
yo sup!
long time no update
just back from perth yesterday
was a really enjoyable trip
gained a lot of things on the trip
really worth the money man
only bad thing of this trip is that i kinda fell sick
and i got a really bad sore throat
so i couldnt train today and thats why im here updating.
perth is a really beautiful place
and the place where we stayed at was great.
the dining hall is awesome
the food was ok lar
starting like dam nice like that
but after awhile keep eating same thing then you get tired of it. lol
bought quite a bit of things home
my luggage was 20.6kg when i checked it in -.-
lots of nougats, cheese, some biscuits, chocolates, fudge.
2 shirt, slippers, a belt. idk cant rmb.

i think after this trip the team will be even more bonded
and i personally feel closer to the team
after sharing a wonderful and memorable experience with them in perth
had an insight about sports science and also like what it is about and what they do.
on the pitch also had some gametime
and also experience playing with ang moh and people of better skill than you
lots of things actually
but im not gonna say everything here lar

anyway about 6hours after touching down in singapore ytd i received my o levels results
so what did i get? 9 points before minusing off just 1. final is 8 points.
yup. not very happy with it, not sad also
fine with the score..
but then sadly some people just screws everything up for you.
told my mum on the phone what i got and she was like
'haiya see la who ask you watch so much tv, if not you can do better, blah blah blah'
ya of course i can do better, everyone can, unless you get 6points.
but thats not the point.
the point is that she doesnt even say good or well done or something
other parents will be like good or something to encourage or cheer you up right.
mine just makes me feel like i got freaking 54 for o levels.
so ya fuck that.
i dont care if i get 9 or i get 20.
if i get 20 and she says the same thing of course i wont mind.
but its 9. not saying its very good lar.
but cmon mannn. zzzzz
its just like PSLE.
same old thing.
A levels, i can just see it coming.
probably another disappointment.
fιяєѕтαя | 5:34 PM | commentlink