Sunday, September 27, 2009

worrying for her future
yo sup
went to sunplaza park this morning with the kids from my church
there was a short praise and worship session, followed by a puppet show.
my cousin, gloria, seemed to be enjoying herself during the puppet show.
kept laughing, cos it was hilarious.
after that had games.
first 1 was the crush newspaper thingy. not bad.
after that was the game where we had to use the beach ball to play.
dunno why gloria was afraid it was gonna burst like a balloon would so she didnt play.
accompanied her while the others were playing.
then had the bean bag and the blindfold game.
at first gloria didnt wanna play.
but in the end my mum persuaded her to.
was great looking at her play. lol.
after that had poison ball for awhile.
but was super confusing?
they didnt rly know how to play la. so just anyhow.
then had passing parcel... then just free time awhile.
during that time gloria also didnt do much. like keep alone......
ive been thinking for a super long time.
what will happen in the future.
like now cos shes young ppl will give her special attention
but it wont happen when she is older.. right?
im dam scared next time she will tio bully and stuffs....
hoping that she can be just another normal kid.
now, i can only pray and hope God will heal her.

moving away from that.
ytd evening went to tm for organ lessons, even though i was a little unwell
after that went to see the mooncakes at tm first floor.
and wanna know what happened?
my dad and i were looking at 1 stall or booth or w/e you call it.
they were selling durian mooncakes.
then this woman, a mother of 2 if im not wrong asked to try it.
so the person gave her a sample to try.
then after she try she put the toothpick on top of the fridge thingy where they put the mooncake
then the person selling the thing was like
'erm excuse me the dustbin is over there' *points at the dustbin*
then the woman took the toothpick and just anyhow throw towards the dustbin
but she turned around and walked away anyway.
my dad was right infront of the dustbin and he was like WTHECK?!?? kinda of expression.
the saleswoman saw also and was like. @_@ wow?!??
and i was like wtf is her problem? i kept staring at her after that.
shes a dam mother and if shes like that, her kids will be the same too, right?!?
no wonder ms chan was talking about how bad generation z will be.
now already got adults who are this bad....
and wanna know the best thing?
she had a tatoo on the back of her neck and her ankles.
prolly have some other tatoo on the body as well.
stupid person. the society is so freaking screwed up srsly.
having ppl like that. totally cant stand them.
made me super pissed off.
if i could.
i would have just punched her and told her off la.
but then i didnt. wouldnt wanna embarrass her or myself. lol

afff. just ranting.
off to go to some work and chill.
fιяєѕтαя | 12:10 PM | commentlink

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Giggs ftw! :D
true that.
hes my soccer idol!! @_@
fιяєѕтαя | 11:26 PM | commentlink


yo sup
these few days not feeling well
since thurs i was kinda sick.. lol
ytd actually got mc, but still went to sch cos got mock exam.
daym im so hardworking. =/

gave a.math tuition a miss today
not exactly feeling very well when i woke up in the morning
now also like feeling a bit tired and got headache.
still considering if i should go for my electone lesson later.
cos i also wanna buy some stuffs.
but then go out come back sure even more tired-.-

being sick kinda sucks. unless you lose weight, like my bro
sick for 2days, lose 1 kg. zzz
why i cannot sia lol D:
maybe cos he was sleeping like almost throughout the whole day
and didnt eat much >.>
im like not that sick, but feel tired and headache. got cough and flu also.
wanna sleep also cannot sleep-.-
do work also cannot concentrate much.
need to chiong for o levels now also no mood

if only things can go my way
off to go do some stuffs.
and i think i should really do something..
something thats really important.......
ok bye
fιяєѕтαя | 3:40 PM | commentlink

Monday, September 21, 2009

scholarship + visit to evan's church o_O
yo sup
wastin time again
no mood to study.....
so i shall just post about sat and sun

saturday 19/9
went to royal hotel @ queen's for the hainan clan meeting or w/e
for students to get scholarship 1 la. idk how to say rofl-.-
the table i sat at was like, super not strategic. cant see stage-.-
only can see through the tv.. so quite boring lorr
sang the national anthem and the clan anthem or w/e for the 1st time
lol quite hilarious..
dinner was then served. not bad ba. quite nice
got some performances but couldnt see, anyway only need to hear cos they play music lol
after that had to collect the scholarship on stage
first is pri sch
then my bro go up cos they say go and like line up first
and guess what? while they were lining up, my bro's name got called
then dunno why he cannot go up cos ppl block
then the person kept calling. Lol
call 3 times then go to next person
then he go up.. LOl
and thats not all.
after that had extra money to be given out for those who did extra well for chinese during psle/o levels
my bro's name got called
and guess what my dad said.....
'not you la. hahaha, they saying o levels only....'
then my bro believed him-.-
then didnt go up
but actually is for psle also, and it was referring to him la... -.-
then after finish giving everyone he go up. LOL
he super suay this year. so malu sia both times.. =////
but well, in the end he got same amt as me
cos he got the 1 for chinese>.>
not fair sia last time i got A for psle i didnt get. but now he get A he get. D:
nvm next year can get i hope. for A2 >.>
aft that nth much alr then went home.

sunday 20/9
didnt go to church in the morning
instead met evan and cheryl at aljunied at 12.15.
cos i was going to their church
had lunch at a nearby hawker, then went to the church
had to fill in some newcomer's form thingy
then had praise and worship. kinda good i guess? lol.
but unfamiliar with the songs..
after that was sermon. not bad la.
message was clear
after that sing some songs again i think
thennn.... the super paiseh thing
they flashed up all the newcomer's name
then when call the name had to stand up
and evan and cheryl were like LOL-ing beside me, literally.
ZZZZZ then i had to stand up la when they called my name
super paiseh, cos i can't help not laughing either
and EVERYONE was staring at me. -.-
even though i didnt rly look up la
cos i was super malu.... zzzzz
after that broke up in to small groups for dunno what thing? lol
then had some short cell meeting
in which both i was warmly welcomed to. or w/e lol.
anyway was quite paiseh la....
but after awhile quite ok cos they all pretty friendly and stuffs
went home after that

k im rly bored now.
no one to rly chat to
everyone's like busy and stuffs
off to have fun in my small lonely world.... if i can afford to have any
fιяєѕтαя | 4:39 PM | commentlink

Friday, September 18, 2009

prelims was :( + newspaper collecting :)
yo suppp
few days didnt update le..
got back all my prelims results
not very good i guess
must improve some more

English - 69.6 B3
Chinese - A2
A.math -80 A1
E.math - 83.4 A1
Chemistry - 77.8 A1
Physics - 74.2 A2
Biology - 60.8 B4
SS + History - 28+26=54 C6
L1R5 - 12
cos english and physics round up to A2 and A1, lol. if not get 14. sucks
and my combine humans screwed up la
mid years got A1, prelims C6
drastic change ftl zz :(
so.... i need to improve by alot in the next 5weeks
and hopefully do better for o levels lor

wednesday 16/9
assembly was the student council investiture
super draggy
then cos i sitting just beside the aisle
then the junior sc walk and stand at the aisle cos introduce something la
i disturbed her a bit, but she didnt reply lol -.-
nth much actually
got dances and short clips and stuffs
not bad la, but it was like 1.5hr long -.-
after that went to simei to give out fliers
my block is the 4 floors block
but got 3 diff lifts so need to walk here and there
but still quite fast finish
and you know what? after finishing
we saw our flier on the floor zzzzz
must be the aunty throw down 1 lor, cos we hear her shout something then walk then saw that paper there D;
bus-ed home after that

friday 18/9
went to school to meet before going to simei to work as garang guni ppl
went ard block 139 to collect newspapers
not say alot la, but not that little either
cos quite a few units got no one inside >.>
after finish collecting went to help carry down a sofa Lol
then help to tie the newspapers together
took quite some time
finished up then carried everything on to the garang guni man's truck lol
took photo then went to jiahui's house to clean up
my grandma also came to buy me some food lol
so good of her right? hahaha love her like mad can
and she cook the food is dam nice!!
went to seoul garden at ehub with cheryl jiahui cecilia serene kellyanne jamie and huituan
it stinks there-.-
and the food isnt exactly nice, but isnt disgusting either
just average baa
but quite fun
ordered super alot of food thanks to kellyanne loool
and ate till like super full
plus before that i ate and drank the food my grandma gave me >.>
so eat until can vomit sia lol
super duper full
after that paid the bill, $14 per person. lol
went to take bus to white sands with jiahui and serene
walked around while
went to popular
then my dad fetched me home
and im posting now lol

not going to the games convention tmr
too tired
i should go and run in the morning tmr
i feel super bad eating so much today -.-
k off to go sleep, super tired.
fιяєѕтαя | 5:20 PM | commentlink

Monday, September 14, 2009

gone before you know it
6weeks more.
if i dont do anything.
i'll really get the heartbreak that i got today next year.
better start doing something....
fιяєѕтαя | 10:03 PM | commentlink

Friday, September 11, 2009

yo sup
went back to school to get results today.
dont rly wanna talk about it..
after that went to my uncle's house cuz my uncle bringing my grandma to see doctor
then only left maid and cousins at home..
slacked there, sadly
was supposed to study, but failed. zz
after that went out to white sands to eat dinner
saw janus, choon siang and victor at the sports thingy there o_O
ate till quite full =/
after that went to see the condo that my aunt bought..
its still under construction-.-
like 2years later then can get..
oh ya anyway wanna know something cool?
my aunt is getting married to a guy who has the same bday as her.
and the wedding day is on their bday..
so its like. will have 3 cakes???!
1 wedding cake. 1 bday cake for my aunt. 1 bday cake for my future uncle. lol

no pain is worse then the pain inflicted on one's heart.
so true???
dunno why my heart feels so dam pain.
off to sleep off all my worries and thoughts...
good night
fιяєѕтαя | 10:30 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

yo sup
today was supposed to be a gud day
cuz of the date.
but i didnt do anything but play at home
and do a bit of work lol
just posting for fun. cuz im bored waiting for my dumb desktop to open the a.math ws on heymath
super noob computer. zzzzz
and i wasted like 30mins but in the end havent print anything..
then now just printed 2 pages...
i coulda slept an extra 1hour if this continues...
k tmr must chiong maths like siao
off to finish printing all the math ws.
wow the internet browser closed again
seems like im not gonna get my sleep anytime soon
zzzzzzzzzzz bbbbb
fιяєѕтαя | 11:49 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

in need of motivation.
yo sup
another wasted day
went to east point to have leg/foot massage
wahh i tell you
the person massage and press or w/e
till dam pain
plus my right foot the skin like break
can see like red line, i think its the blood or sth
lol super pain when she press
massage my shin that time also
dunno how she press
pain until i want to kick her lollll =/
but in the end still managed to overcome the pain.. or w/e LOl

i was supposed to sleep at 10 today
cos im having lack of sleep
but i failed, again-.-
k tmr must wake up at 9 to STUDY.
i need someone to motivate me 24/7 .
i need to go do quiet time tmr morning before i study
then got the mood to study
just some random rant
cuz im bored
i had another weird dream ytd, but not a violent one.
k off to sleep..
wonder what dream i'll get ltr. lol
goooooood nightttt!
fιяєѕтαя | 11:31 PM | commentlink

Monday, September 7, 2009

stuffed with ice cream yet again
yo sup
havent been updating..
no time to do so lol
exercised quite a bit these few days..
fri night went to run for around 3km plus..
sat morning went to swim for about 2km with grace evan and karen..
need to do more of these kinda stuffs.
though its kinda tiring.
ytd went to go tie da cos i think my right foot got recurrence of injury,
and my neck was kinda strained
quite shiok after that, even though the process was pain lol

today went to ion to have ice cream buffet again.
but this time it was with my grandma, dad, mum, aunt, bro and 2 cousins
this time ate more..
cos my mum's friend there i think gave us free food
curry chicken rice and seafood kway teow
so didnt eat so much sweet stuffs in the end
after that went to botanic gardens to walk around while
but it was quite late already
so quite dark, nothing much to see, just walk walk lor
then went home

apart from all that..
i think there's something wrong with me >.>
yesterday had a super violent and sadistic dream o_O
which caused me to be super weird today
dunno why also
super weird, can still rmb everything so vividly =/

should start to study and do work alr
feel like i wasted the first 3 days of this super short holiday -.-
better start tmr.
i dont wanna regret when i get back my o levels results
off to do some work
still, im searching for it.
fιяєѕтαя | 9:17 PM | commentlink

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ice cream buffet @ swensens
yo sup
prelims are over!
meaning that......
its nearer to o levels!
which means.....
its nearer to the END of o levels!
after bio paper1 went to swensens at ion with karen evan grace josephine annabel and lynn.
went there to have ice cream and dessert buffet!
waaa i tell you
eat until wanna die
all the sweet stuffs like ice cream and cakes..
eat until i wanna vomit alr
even though it wasnt that much
felt super bloated after that
its not bad la. but too sweet le
next time should add some salty stuffs in the buffet >.>

anyway after that went to walk around
went to borders
couldnt find my man utd season review cd D:
after that didnt really feel very well cos of the buffet and my stomach acting weird
in the end didnt do much then went home
just practiced electone for awhile just now
losing my skills alr Lolol
need to prac drums also.
no suddenly got the urge to go play soccer
maybe i should, during this 1 week break
or else really will lose touch sia .. zz
ok la nth much to say also
running later, swimming tmr!
fιяєѕтαя | 6:55 PM | commentlink

Thursday, September 3, 2009

guitar hero! lol
yo suppp
went to yirong's house after physics paper 1, coz it was his bday lol
went there with cheryl evan yongchen janus choonsiang clement and yirong-.- lol
played guitar hero! lol
not bad ar
at least had some fun there
played the drums until my right hand super strained and tired coz so fast >.>
then play the guitar abit
went home at like 3.30

tmr's last day of prelims alr
after bio paper1 gonna go ion eat :P
then after that have to start to study for o levels le
53 days left!
better treasure the time to study now and stuffs then regret later
okkk gonna go do my stuffs alr
fιяєѕтαя | 7:04 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

screw bio....
yo sup
bio paper today was crap
fell asleep half way
woke up and still dunno how to do a lot of questions-.-
e.math was okk i think, hope theres no careless mistakes...
after school went to eat at ljs with jessie
lol chat for a long time
walked ard t1 then went home

nowadays my stomach keep dam pain sia
dunno whats in it -.-
super uncomfortable sometimes
physics paper 1 tmr.
i should just sleep now and study later or tmr morning
since im not taking chinese
oh ya, i have english tuition later-.-
k got to go now
fιяєѕтαя | 5:14 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

bro sick; bio sucks. -.-
yo sup....
went out today for theory lesson
then went to bedok to meet karen and evan
had curry chicken noodles @ hawker centre then went to library to study
annabel came half way
did only like 4 chaps of bio there?
zzzzz, so gonna die tmr.
i still have e.math tuition in an hour. -___-

my bro is sick
with a fever of like...... 39 - 40 degrees.
and he has been on his bed since yesterday 11+, till now.
at least when im at home la.
zzzzz. wondering when he will recover
dam sian when hes sick and stuffs =/

sian. im missing primary school days like mad
lol, it was fun.
and thinking back is really hilarious, and also quite err. saddening? lol
dunno how to say la.
miss the teachers that taught me
miss the times we had in the classroom
miss the assembly we had in the hall
miss the times when we played soccer together on the big field
miss the times when we had super long pe lessons after streaming during p4
miss the times when we had house practices
miss the days when i was monitress during p1 LOl
miss the times we had recess in the small canteen
miss the times where we had to go to science labs for experiments
miss the times where we had aces during national day lol
miss the jokes we had as a class
miss the times we spent as a class
and many other things...
sian lol
off to go to e.math tuition
fιяєѕтαя | 6:21 PM | commentlink