Monday, September 7, 2009

stuffed with ice cream yet again
yo sup
havent been updating..
no time to do so lol
exercised quite a bit these few days..
fri night went to run for around 3km plus..
sat morning went to swim for about 2km with grace evan and karen..
need to do more of these kinda stuffs.
though its kinda tiring.
ytd went to go tie da cos i think my right foot got recurrence of injury,
and my neck was kinda strained
quite shiok after that, even though the process was pain lol

today went to ion to have ice cream buffet again.
but this time it was with my grandma, dad, mum, aunt, bro and 2 cousins
this time ate more..
cos my mum's friend there i think gave us free food
curry chicken rice and seafood kway teow
so didnt eat so much sweet stuffs in the end
after that went to botanic gardens to walk around while
but it was quite late already
so quite dark, nothing much to see, just walk walk lor
then went home

apart from all that..
i think there's something wrong with me >.>
yesterday had a super violent and sadistic dream o_O
which caused me to be super weird today
dunno why also
super weird, can still rmb everything so vividly =/

should start to study and do work alr
feel like i wasted the first 3 days of this super short holiday -.-
better start tmr.
i dont wanna regret when i get back my o levels results
off to do some work
still, im searching for it.
fιяєѕтαя | 9:17 PM | commentlink