Monday, August 31, 2009

back to EVPS for teachers day '09!
yo sup!
changed skin cuz the previous one was screwed. hahaha

today woke up at like 5+ so that i could reach sch by 6.45
wore my blue man utd jersey!
brought the boards to sch
decorated and stuffs
celebrations in the main school hall was ok i guess
quite funny actually, not bad
the dances were very entertaining. lol
kinda enjoyed it
ended at like 9+ i think
rushed back to class to finish all the cards and then went to canteen to give the cards to the teachers
and also gave them the cake to eat. yeap.
not so bad ba, every teacher had a cake and a card.
gave to all except mrs lee cuz she didnt come-.-

after that went to evps with wenjie
in the end realised that only at 1+ then can go in
and need to wear sch uni
so decided to go home and take pe shirt then meet the rest at macs at twcc
in the end reached macs quite early
awhile then candice, danny, alster and lyvia came
then vivi and jelene and jingqun came
chat awhile then bought food to eat
left macs at ard 12.50 and walked back to evps
reached there when their celebrations kinda ended so managed to get into the canteen
waaaaa, all the store owners there still same sia. and the canteen is super small i realised-.-
the teachers didnt come out yet
so we went to walk around in the classroom block
and the guard kept shouting at us to get out LOl
was like thinking back when i was still there as a student when walking ard
so emo, Lol!
went to the HOD room but no one in side.
saw the science and computer labs and 'the loft' aka the amphitheatre(idk how to spell-.-) last time. lol
in the end went down
after awhile some teachers came out
not bad la this year at least the guard dint chase us out and stuffs
so managed to see and chat with mr wang, ms yong, mrs berger and mrs ernie lol.
was quite fun chatting with them
like after so long then see them again. lol
and they can rmb me!!! :D
after that rukkumani also came and wewalk around the school again
went to the hall
still got the steps at the back Lol!
miss the times when we were in there man
doing aces or w/e and stuffs. D;
well time passes
iman and irfan then also came, lol
after taking some pictures and chatting
decided to go buy drinks
then after that went home.
fun day i guess.
well, going back to pri sch is always enjoyable.
too bad most of the teachers went off le.
oh well, should organise some chalet like hongwen and jac say
and invite all the teachers, better like that. hahaha
ok the pictures.....

us and mr wang!

us with mr wang, mrs berger and ms ernie in the 'ecogarden' LOl

us in the hall, sitting on the steps

another one

a so called 'formal' shot. Lol

a closer one? lol.

we were err, leaning to a side? lol

and thats us leaning to one side again.

taking photos on the roots of the huge tree

a second try at it

curry 'leave' tree. no wonder evps is a lousy school..

some random photo, lol

ah, that big tree, and junyuan's construction behind going on

oh look, a tree sticking out of the .. err, wall? Lol

no idea whats that. multi racial stuffs i think?
no more pics alr.
off to go slack awhile.
reliving the memories
fιяєѕтαя | 5:18 PM | commentlink

Sunday, August 30, 2009

english oral + drumming in main service
yo sup.
i was supposed to be not posting but, nvm.
prelims is gonna end in another 5days
and its just mostly slack papers left. cept bio
so far okok only
screwed up some paper, could have done better in most of them, but its over so nvm

20/8/09 - thurs

waiting in school for like 3hours after english paper for..
o levels english oral
and go into tower hall still had to wait for like 1hour plus.
and it was kinda cold?
but at least i wasnt nervous in the tower hall
both examiners were malay woman
passage was ok i guess
picture was average? like nothing much to say. just a science lab in school
convo was super weird. weird questions like
'tell me about a time when you were asked to do something difficult' and 'why do you think ppl lose friends'
something like that la
i just anyhow say lor.
well, at least its over now.

28/8/09 - fri
went to run in the evening with my aunt at tamp stadium
ran for like 3km plus in like. 25-30mins
after that was super tired lol
bathed then went to tm to eat
after that went home again
my aunt came to bake new york cheesecake!
quite fun doing lah, even though i was super tired after that and fell asleep on the sofa -.-
baked 2 cakes. 1 for my aunt's friend cuz it was her bday the next day
and 1 for ourselves! :D
in the end i slept before it was done
cuz had to put in oven and stuffs, yeap
its nice sia, ate it the next day. hahaha
super cheesy!

30/8/09 - sunday
woke up pretty early in the morning
went to church to get ready for drumming the main service!
practiced the day before for like 1hour with the team
so i guess not so bad.
played 4 songs.
kinda fun, enjoyed it alot
need more of this kinda oppotunities really. hahaha
and they might be coming up soon, maybe.
after that stayed for quite awhile in church
helped out my dad to clean up the place and pack the refreshment items
and chat awhile with some people there
hmmm, kinda realised some stuffs after that.
but shall just keep it to myself lol=/

teachers day celebrations tmr
and its be yourself day
so i can wear my man utd jersey to school :D
oh ya, man utd 2 -arsenal 1. hahahah
didnt watch
but man utd didnt seem to play very well
but luckily, still its a win
okkk, gonna go study bio alr
fιяєѕтαя | 2:44 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

chinese o levels results = A2
yo sup
ok so today we got back our o levels chinese results
and...... i got A2
lose to most of the class ppl la
like most of the class got A1
but im still quite satisfied i think?
but it still sucks when most of the people around you beats you
im gonna mug hard for o levels
like really hard
i promise im not gonna post after this till o level ends
even though many ppl say i got dsa and stuffs
but then, i still wanna get the results that i want

after o levels i shall enjoy as much as possible
as a reward to myself
hmmmmm, its 3pm alr
cya, when o level ends.
fιяєѕтαя | 2:56 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

wow shocking
yo sup
school today was rather short
cuz had health check up in the morning
did nth much ba
just check eye
and you know what?
the nurse say i got almost PERFECT eyesight
Lol, then say i dont really have to wear specs -.-
then the rest of the lessons all quite slack ba
didnt do much also

after school went to lynn's house to study awhile
at least did like almost half of venice
shall try finishing by tmr.
im so tired
and prelims havent even start

getting back chinese o levels results back tmr
have to get myself mentally prepared
although its gonna be quite expected la

today got the nominate prom king and queen in the class thing
dam gay sia lol
wanna back out also cant -.-
cant even imagine myself going to prom in a dress man. @_@

hahahah k
gonna go eat, im super hungry
fιяєѕтαя | 7:32 PM | commentlink

Sunday, August 16, 2009

drop out of electone?
yo sup
few days since ive posted
kinda lazy to post nowadays
cuz im too tired
and id rather spend time sleeping than updating.
okkk so...

wed 12/8
went to swensens after school to study
cuz my mum was working there that day
had lunch there.
and studied physics also at the same time
the butterfly prawns
and my baked chicken rice or w/e its called.

after awhile, its all goneee. lol. i ate so much @_@

lol thats just a random photo that i took cuz i was bored =/
i was sitting at the corner, a private corner cuz my mum requested for me Lol!
anyway, it wasnt a very good environment to study
cuz it was quite noisy.
so went off after awhile
friday 14/8
went to airport to study after school with evan karen yijing annabel
ate at popeyes then went to the viewing mall at t3 to study hahahha
half way went to a shoe shop to ask for some shoe box
cuz evan needed them
it was hilarious
yijing was like 'excuse me do you have shoe boxes? cuz we need it for an environment project.......'
LOl, then the woman was like ok lemme go check
then gave us 2. hahahhaa
was trying super hard not to laugh >.>
studied awhile then went home lor
ok la, im lazy to post anymore le. bloody hungry
off to eat LUNCH.
i will, but will you too?
fιяєѕтαя | 12:10 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1 day cold war over
yo sup
i think my cold war with my parents are over.
pretty quick this time. lol
we're gonna receive our o levels cl results anytime this week
kinda got mentally prepared that i'll have to retake it alr
so no matter what i get its ok. hahahah
unless i get an A la. then i'll be over the moon.
but whats the chance >.>

my whole body is aching like mad
but i didnt really exert myself
except for saturday
i wanna go for a massage soon
all my muscles like tensed up.
going home today was kinda funny
lol. walked with xinwei yirong yongchen clement down hill
with charis and rizvan infront.
we were like having some horny talk. Lol!
hilarious srsly.
off to bath, dinner's gonna be served soon!

what if we were still friends?
what if we never had a relationship?
what will things be like now?
i'm still wondering;
still hoping deep down inside......
fιяєѕтαя | 6:32 PM | commentlink

Sunday, August 9, 2009

outin with 2E peeps and whole day of madness on sat
yo sup
past 2 days were really packed to the max
but then, im not very tired still.
lets see..

7/8 friday
started off with national day celebration in school hall
kinda boring cause theres no parade and us sec4s dont get the chance to do the every year perform thingy.
just sang some songs, marching in of national and sch flags, recollections, prayer, speech by dr boon
well, all boring
and it was summed up by...
which is equally boring, just that we were standing up now, lol
everything ended at like 9+
so went off to dhoby ghaut with karen grace yijing josephine annabel eleanor yohana lynn
bought the tickets to UP at cathay then went to have lunch at plaza singapura
had subway @ yoshinoya, went to play arcade
walked around to waste time
eleanor left for tuition
then jiayun joined us and we went to watch UP
okok la. kinda funny, sorta like the plot. but i was very tired while watching though i didnt doze off

after the movie yijing yohana lynn went off
the rest of us train-ed to bugis to meet chelsea
walked around iluma for awhile
and finally stopped at benten cafe to eat, if im not wrong
5 of us shared a pizza
after that we went our own separate ways
chelsea jiayun annabel went to national library
while me grace karen josephine headed home by train
reached home at like 7+ i think
quite a long day, but fun.

8/8 saturday
woke up at a super early hour, 6.45. ok maybe not that early, but i was kinda tired.
met up with grace at tampines swimming complex at 7.40
and guess what, it was closed!
well, it opened at 8. so we just sat at the entrance
and surprisingly theres quite a lot of people sia. hahah
swam for like 1hour+, 20 laps + tread water a little
was kinda slow cuz i was tired. =/
after that bathed and went to kfc at tampines interchange for breakfast
had a super funny time there lol
went to macs to get butter/stirrer/salt for breakfast hahahaha
talked quite a bit, studied quite a bit too =/ lol
went for tuition at 11 plus
intensive math cum a.math tuition till 3+
it was tough =/

rushed home to drop off my wet clothes and got some stuffs to study
my dad fetched me and kellyanne to airport t3 to study
met jamie and lixuan there
waited for quite awhile for a ah ma to get out of her seat.
but anyway, it was worth it? lolol cuz we sat there till like 10+
like 6hours+
studied A LOT of physics there.
and joked quite a bit also. it was kinda hilarious at times. hahahhah
had dinner at ard 8+ or 9 at the food court
then continued studying till 10+
felt super accomplished after that man. :D
train-ed home.
it was like 20mins after we went in then there'll be no more trains
so it was kinda late, i guess
as usual, bus-ed home from tamp inter.
reached home at like. 11.40
lucky wasnt scolded by parents =P
another super long day.
but super fun and worth it, cuz i studied physics!

oh ya anyway,
lol, im patriotic :D
watching the parade at home later,
first time in years doing it as a family
cuz normally we'd all go to my god parents house
cos there got nearer view of the fireworks, hahahah
its chelsea vs manchester united later
community shield, good run out for united, :D
okk, off to spend my country's 44th birthday Lolol
by sf-ing awhile. :P
fιяєѕтαя | 3:28 PM | commentlink

Thursday, August 6, 2009

achievement's day outing
yo sup
kinda got over what happened ytd. -.- lol
but it sucks like mad.

anyway, went out on tuesday with charis xinwei clement yirong
since it was achievement day holiday.
met up with charis at pasir ris interchange after theory lesson
went to yirong's house, dam its big, and so is clement's
had lunch at the hawker centre at elias mall then went back to yirong's house to play guitar hero
waaaa, the drums is dam fun la. lol. though its not the real drum(obviously)
but still good workout, the coordination part, yeap
played for quite long. got guitar and can sing also
super funny i tell you, when we playing. loool

after awhile got kinda bored
then went to xinwei's house
its also huge -.-
slacked around in this room then went to SWIM!
yirong didnt' swim though D:
at first didnt go in
until CHARIS PUSHED ME in >.>
lol. didnt really swim
cuz the pool is really small and shallow. hahahha
played around awhile
took photos and stuffs
i dont got the photos yet though.
charis will prolly post them up on her blog soon
anyway, swimming was fun!
wanted to bath in the public toilets there
but then it sucks la, no hook to even hook your plastic bag or anything-.-
so decided to go xinwei's house to bath, hahaha
while bathing i heard like some super loud squeaking noises
and after i came out then i realised it was the dog
cuz its tail got stucked in the door while it was about to close
and it secreted some super stinky liquid, ewww. =/
after bathing and all bus-ed to white sands to have manhattans
the food took super long to come sia, cus we were all super hungry >.>
the fish and chips was simply delicious, or maybe cause i was too hungry so everything was super gud to me. lol
after eating went to ntuc to buy some food
ok, actually only xinwei and clement bought la. hahhaha
after that went home sweet home.
was super tired, but it was a really fun day.

okkkk, about today
nothing much except pe
played basketball as usual.
ran like mad as usual, but didnt get any injuries even though i think i fell once or twice
was super funny sia
i keep dribbling around. then like gonna end
i dribble from 1 end to the other, then gonna reach alr i accidentally use my knee to hit the ball and it bounced away from me :(
lol super wasted.

tmr's national day celebration
theres tree planting, again -.-
o well, off to sf.
fιяєѕтαя | 6:11 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

humiliated by mr yeow D:
today was a super humiliating day, all thanks to mr yeow
wtf. long time since i got so embarrassed la..
stupid bio test so boring till i slept
then when mr yeow collect the paper i was sleeping
so he just took my paper
then got like ONE DROP of my saliva i think(its super funny if i think of it looooooooool)
then he waved to the class?
obviously everyone by then was like looking
i was like dam blur cuz like just woke up -.-
then i heard he tried to cut my hair also while i was sleeping
the next person whos gonna make fun of me cuz of that is so gonna get it from me

aaaaa, totally no face after that sia zz
now i will never forget mr yeow already.
ok i just wasted my afternoon in front of my laptop
i shall not have dinner today and instead, study.
prelims are just round the corner D;
and i havent started
hope i wont get owned during prelims.
fιяєѕтαя | 7:09 PM | commentlink

Monday, August 3, 2009

a gangster like you
yo sup
went swimming ytd @ tampines swimming complex
swam about 1km and tread water ( is that how you spell it? o_O) for like 5mins plus w/ and w/o raising hands
quite tiring ar
i think i got small lungs >.>
and i kinda strained my neck will swimming, pro huh
then today keep like looking upwards, cuz look down will feel the strain -.-

something kinda shocked me today, a bit
kinda weird and stuffs, dont know how things will work out anyway
life is weird.
i think im gonna fall sick soon, if i dont got enough rest
sore throat sucks >.>
going out tmr, hope i'll be feeling fine.
didnt eat much for dinner, no appetite nowadays
all thanks to my mood.
off to sleep, gd night
'but i don't feel like letting go'
fιяєѕтαя | 9:59 PM | commentlink

Saturday, August 1, 2009

level bonding?
yo sup
i think my dad's batch the whole sec 4 level is very bonded sia
30years after they graduated they're meeting up again, back in AHS
cool huh?
they invited their principal back, and like 30+ teachers
who are of cuz pretty old now. hahaha
and they got like a committee to organise all this bonding activities
and the dinner thingy that their gonna have soon is a super big thing
even got advertise in newspaper-.-
rich huh?
like many of them are like staying overseas and they specially come back just for this dinner

this make me wonder, even if 10years later whether i will be meeting back the same people in my batch
lol. hmmmmmmmm


shit, i just wasted like 40mins on the internet doing nothing much but chat and looking up random stuffs
i think i should rly stop playing until o levels are over.
after that, i really got A LOT of things to do
guess i should just put off all non-academic stuffs till after o levels
its alr less than 3weeks to prelims
can't stop now.

you made me worry
fιяєѕтαя | 9:57 PM | commentlink

Sir bobby robson

just saw news that sir bobby robson died.
quite sad ar, even though i dont quite know him
just know that hes a great man, loves football a lot.
k just being random.
what to do, im bored.
gud night
fιяєѕтαя | 12:11 AM | commentlink