Tuesday, March 31, 2009

english reflection on prejudice
yo sup

reflection on prejudice:

Definition of prejudice : an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

some kinds of prejudice i have experienced..

well, i am born dark, compared to other chinese at least, and my brother.
then when other people come and visit my family or when we meet other people
they tend to give positive comments about my brother's fair skin complexion
and they don't really bother much about me
it sometimes cause me to feel inferior because im dark ;(

also, my brother is quite intelligent
but one thing bad about him is that he is lazy
but my mum always tells me that he is intelligent and bright
but she doesnt say anything about me, even though when i get pretty good scores for my tests,
sometimes at least =/
then naturally i will feel abit down and disappointed
cause theres like no encouragement and stuffs. ya

as you all know
i love playing soccer, hahaha
but it is known more to be of a guy kind of game/sports
as in, most boys play the game. so when i play
people just think that im like noob or lousy,
even without seeing me play.
but i am quite noob -.- i think..
but its annoying to see how people react when they know you play soccer.

learning points :
we should try not to give any sensitive remarks that will hurt other people or their race and religion because it is very bad. instead, we should try and 'remove' the prejudice that exists now.

i think that's all? hahahahha
-the end-
fιяєѕтαя | 2:18 PM | commentlink

Sunday, March 29, 2009

it was tough
it wasn't easy to say those few words
but it really wouldnt work out
even though this might mean nothing
i'm sorry
fιяєѕтαя | 10:40 PM | commentlink

new laptop!

im so dam tired
didnt go running on saturday =[
actually woke up at 6... but fell asleep again
cause previous day too tired, lol
but at least went to have breakfast outside

one good thing that happened
i ordered a new LAPTOP ;D
went all the way to funan with my dad to order
but the service there SUCKSSSS
the salesman's attitude was terrible la >.>
the way he talk is like as if we got no money to buy
then heck care kind
like. you want buy then buy lor i don't care kind
lol -.-
but in the end still bought from there la
also no choice
pfffttt, i wanna complain to HP, but my dad say no need
anyway, the laptop quite good
but can get it only at around 15th april.
after i get it, then there's no more quarreling with my bro for the comp

today was.. ok la
againn, i wanted to go and run but didnt wake up.. zzz
went to had my hair cut in the afternoon after church
now its SHORT -.-
lol. spent like 2hours+ at the saloon la. zzz

sorry charis lol
no time to go to play soccer with you and your church friends
well, im really busy =/
there's bio spa tmr
and i still have yet to study for it
better go do some work
fιяєѕтαя | 5:29 PM | commentlink

Saturday, March 28, 2009

founder's day '09
yo sup.
founder's day...
school started late so i could get a little more sleep
reached sch at ard 8.35
put bag in class room then went assembly
it was so dumb plz...
had the flag ceremony thingy
6 flags, 6 flag bearers who were teachers, duh -.-
then after that, we started the walkathon
walked with charis lol
its like dam dumb plz
we had to walk down from back gate
and the gate there so small space
alot ppl kena stucked Lol
quite dumb to walk la...
other then that being a form of exercise =/

after finish walking
there was some refreshment, aka a bottle of drink and an apple
but i only took the drink ahahaha
slack awhile in school before goign to bedok to eat at macs
well, it was really boring in school cause we had a 2hr break -.-
went there with hongwen, shuting, meixuan, charlynn, sihui. yeah
charis went home after we reached bedok
lol, slack muchhhhh ;X
saw cecilia and jiahui at macs then sit with them to eat lor
after eating went back to school
played soccer awhile with..
qinhui, joshua, hongkai, adriel, lyndon, vinson and some other guys =/
lol. quite fun la. but i still quite noob, ahhahha

the celebration in the hall was.. ok la
nothing much also
prize giving, speeches, bible reading for awhile, prayer
after that was the sports spectacular
dam cool la lol
it was really nice
and the bees were.. cute? Lol.
just dam hilarious with the sound
each sport group was unique and it was all very interesting
guess their efforts really paid off lol

anyway, after that i was emoing in class and stuffs...
cleaned the whole class and arranged the tables and chairs
went to eat at 18 chefs?!?!?
with kellyanne, jamie, huituan, jingying, elize and natalie
ya lol. never go there before -_____________-
quite nice la the food
last to finish eating again, as usual
eat and chat there lorr
shouldnt go into much details
went to kellyanne's house after that cuz didnt wanna go home
well, i had no mood zzzz
slacked there lor
eat snacks there also LOl
got fatter. LOl. jkjk -.-
it was hilarious there. but i shouldnt go into details either. heh =/
went home at 10 after the chnl 8 show
the 291 bus took so long to come la
and it was like so quiet there o_O
but reached home safely at 10.45 anyway

was a long day
lots of stuffs happened
oh well,
that's life

will post more tmr, or later i guess
fιяєѕтαя | 10:22 PM | commentlink

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

march holidays '09
yo sup guys
holidays are over and its term 2!!!
mid years coming soooonnnn >.>
my holidays was quite fun ba
lets see..

soccer training (weekdays)
aaaaa. dam fun
got a super nice and hilarious coach called lee merricks
5 days training. everyday 3hours
quite tiring but definitely worth it
covered mostly basics
but this sure motivates me to do even better
might be going for the june soccer training too
anyway, i got a pair of limited nike boots that can't be found in the shops
costs ard.. 300$ plus?
ahahhaha. dam worth it la @_@
miss my coach D:

Electone grade 7 exams 17th mar
this was like.. wowwww
average i think
did ok in some parts
screwed some parts
my teacher said today that she know who failed already
and i think i didnt, by the way she said
hope i pass
oh, and i might be learning piano after exams
can skip till grade 3 or 4 immediately
hahhaahahha ;P
but theres some oral section for piano exams that require the student to SING @_@

my chalet!! Lol 19-20th mar
stayed overnight there
fun but quite tiring lol
celebrated kellyanne's bday there also
there was mahjong
but i didnt play, obviously-.-
played abit of cards and the guitar
drank also.. mostly just stoned there during the night la
cuz also duno how to play mahjong and stuffs
lol. -.-
but still quite okkk
might be having one after o levels
after chalet the day
went to ehub
take the gay ferris wheel thingy for free
super dumb la. and was so hot there
lol was acting like some retard trying to get out of the 'steel bird cage'
-.- k lol
had lunch there
then go arcade
sponser 10$ for everyone to play
me kellyanne kelyn jamie huituan and lixuan
lol, funny sia
at first all like dun want play
then go top up the card all start play
LOl -.-
nvm duno what i saying also. ahhahaha
ya play and play lor
then after that fetched kellyanne lixuan and kelyn home

weekend 21st-22nd mar -.-
lol. sat morning woke up dam early to meet nicholas and bust at pasir ris
then took bus to compasspoint
but in the end met hanyong and kelvin late so didnt have breakfast
took mrt to dhoby ghaut, or at least tried
the mrt stopped at like 2-3 stops for like 10mins each?
then in the end at serangoon stop told us cannot continue for awhile cuz the mrt in front got problem -.-
then tried to take taxi there
tried calling family taxi LOLOl
but went to interchange to take bus 100 to aljunied park
came down half way to wait for taxi
in the end call 2 taxis -.-
reached pc bunk dam late
so many ppl there already
so little computers
met vinoth, farhan, weixiong, mingen, jiawei and gavin there
Lol, didnt do much la
played abit only but sucked-.-
then after that went to eat lunch at kfc with kelvin, bust, nicholas, weixiong, hanyong, jiawei and gavin

lol. eat le then go back tampines meet kellyanne
went back home to study!!
but slacked first la
obviously -_______-
took like 4hours to do my chinese compo i think LOLOL
super pro can
but at least finished it
had dinner then do even more stuffs
then watch soccer match
which was quite screwed-.-
in the end went to macs to buy food back cuz we too hungry Loooool
then keep dam scared got stalkers
in the end went home without getting ****
LOLOLOl. duh -.-
watch abit, do homework abit?
then sleep.

went church to play drums
then go have breakfast with kellyanne
then go do work again
lunch ordered pizza.
do work for the whole afternoon lor
so dam hardworking sia us LOl
in the end kellyanne went back before dinner

i think after this one week holiday
i become much poorer
sponser like quite alot things
ahahahahah -.-
but im not rich kk
just in the good mood
chem test tmr @_@
and still need to do the poem
super tired

i still haven gotton coach lee's reply ='[

k go study alr
fιяєѕтαя | 10:18 PM | commentlink

Sunday, March 22, 2009

march holidays GONE!
yo sup guys
i am very tired
lol -.-
barely 12hours of sleep in the past 3nights
plus keep go out
soccer training during weekdays was fun
missing it already =[

anyway, school's starting tmr
siannnn, still yet to finish all my homework
i so have to buck up already
keep slacking
gonna start revision soon
mid years are coming real soon man =/
gonna go try do some work
and sleep
i hate my eyebags
fιяєѕтαя | 10:56 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hit real hard
yo sup guys
really have to thank God that i can still talk and eat and move my jaw properly man
almost got it dislocated =/
soccer training today was FUN!
did some really awesome defending and goalkeeping during the matches ;P
even when it needed me to risk my face LOl

chalet's tmr!!1
having some really tight schedule from tmr till sunday
includes doing my homework
aint slackin this year

time for bed already
cya guys!
fιяєѕтαя | 11:55 PM | commentlink


yo sup
2nd day of training was alright
did some passing
but i think i didnt do exactly well for the skills test D:
but still average ba
30sec is like super fast -.-
i think i really have to get used to my muscles screaming in pain when i use it too much >.>
but anyway training is still worth it
ytd's player of the day was this guy called aaron
hes the oldest there, 18 years old lol

i think i made quite a few 'sacrifices' for this man utd soccer training, lol
but its really worth it ^_^
tbh, coaches really affects how the training goes man
lol, still remember last time in table tennis
the coach tehre was -_______-
horrible? LOL, compared to lee merricks, robin van der laan and co.
man are they hilarious
but of course they get serious when theres a need for it
they are just really great coaches
no wonder they're in man utd
ahhaahaa ;D
i don't mind going there to train every single day man

i kinda screwed some parts of my electone exams ='[
did ok in some parts too
dam, just hope i'll pass

chalet's tmr!!!!
gonna have a great time there ^_^
k, off to do some work
fιяєѕтαя | 9:54 AM | commentlink

Monday, March 16, 2009

day 1 at muss!
yo sup guyss
today was the 1st day of training at the man utd soccer school
and mannn
ITS FUN!!!!!!!!!!1
like really really fun.
i had a hard time getting there
cause it was raining real hard and i walked all the way there
still walked the wrong way so i wasted 10mins walking-.-
met my mum there
then wanted to change the socks size to S cause M was too big
then in the end change to M again LOl
cause S was too small -_______-
after changing, there was a short talk before we go on the field
played some ice breaker games
super hilarious man LOL
did really stupid stuffs -.-
then after that played a short 3v2 game. ahahha
then after that played 1v1. but with teams
and out of 5 goals my team scored, I SCORED 3!!!!
heheheheh. so fun lol.
then after that went through some dribbling skills
talk about pace and stuffs
did quite alot of that

then after that played short match
then some people were called out for the skills test on dribbling
i scored another goal there ^_^
quite nice sia. loool
then one of the guy got injured, on the 1st day somemore
quite sad for him
then after that it was my turn to do the skills test
i think i did quite ok ba... lol
didnt lose the ball much ;P
then did abit of shooting
i think i suck at shooting
no power no accuracy D:
after that played some games
then at the end
they announced the player of the day!!!1
which is meeee!!!!!!!! LOl
quite surprised lor
but i think cause i only girl then he give? lol, don't know. hahaha
but still dam happy
1st day then get that
then got 1 red man utd ball and a badge ;D
then after that got some food and drinks

nothing much le lor after that
fetch evan and kellyanne home from tuition even though i didnt go
and told them what i just typed on top ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-_________- lol
it was hilarious in the car
time to go rest
fιяєѕтαя | 10:56 PM | commentlink

Sunday, March 15, 2009

yo sup guys
this weekend is really hectic
lets see
woke up at 6 to run
my stamina sucks now >.>
and i think my previous injury to my right ankle has yet to heal
but i still ran anyway lol ;X
had electone lessons at 10.30-12, supposedly
but left class at 12.45-.-
cause didnt play well enough then had to stay back
in the end made kellyanne and evan wait for a long long time =/
sorry lor. lol
went to my uncle's house to bake oreo cheesecake
had to like crush the oreo to really small bits, or like powder for the base-.-
so dam hard sia Lol
then have to break some into small pieces to add in the cake
took like 1hour plus
then tried to preheat the oven
but TWICE it TRIPPED!!!1
so the desperate us had to go over to my house-.-
kellyanne and i had to carry the cake all the way there in the car lol
then after that slacked at home
played electone and guitar
then after that send evan to school then came back
slack slack and slack and talk and talk in my room with kellyanne lool
cuz nth to do-.-
after that my parents went out

we were really hungry afterwards
and guess what
we spent like a looooonggggg time trying to call pizza hut with 3phones @_@
only to hear that we can't order cause they have too many orders LOLOL
tried to call macs but then also cannot
so in the end we had to buy it OURSELVES at the twcc-.-
walk there to buy lor, no choice
came back and eat and eat
till i became dam full
after that watch the match man utd vs liverpool while eating the cheesecake that was finally ready!!
ended disatrously =/
i meant the match, not the cake -.-
then after that fetched kellyanne back home

and thats just saturday -___-

sunday, aka today.........
woke up at 7 to do some work cause i was too tired to do any the previous day -___-
went to church to play drums for worship
left church immediately after that to go to tampines safra
attended the manchester united soccer school in singapore briefing
they are having this 5day intensive training thingy at safra which cost $510 @_@
lawl, expected
the coaches there are robin van der laan, the head coach for manutd soccer school
kevin o'connell, wayne watskin and lee merricks
yeahhhh. lol.
robin van der laan is funny
he was talking during the briefing and stuffs. hahaha
after that rushed for a.math tuition-.-

went to queensway after that to get a pair of boots for the training
and also shin guards etc.
took a really long time finding a decent 1
in the end got a white and red 1-.-
its always white lol
anyway... after went to eat, then spent a long time waiting for taxi to go home cause my dad and aunt went to it fair
then slacked at home till now
im dam tired now
legs still hurting
but i'm going training tmr, anyway ;D

countdown : 2more days to electone exams!!!!
i'm so worried for it
but i think i'll do ok, i guess
positive's the worddd
the man utd soccer training briefing is so helpful
gtg already
lots of stuffs on tmr..
fιяєѕтαя | 10:02 PM | commentlink

Friday, March 13, 2009

PTC '09 / 1st IT show of 2009!
yo sup
today's a long day
lessons were kinda short cause there's only four lessons
after recess was pe
1st period spent on during napfa items
and i'm so screwed up
i can't even do 17 inclined pull ups!!11
i did only like 8? ........ i did like 30+ last year sia. daym
sit up was ok.. sit and reach was ok
sbj was not very good lor, i still can't get A. @_@
didnt do shuttle run
after that played basketball
play until dam tensed and violent like that sia me lol
fell quite a number of times
one time suan ching almost fell on me LOl
lucky kena pulled by kellyanne then only fell on my leg
i think i injured my left thumb and right pinky? -______-
and my electone exam is like 4days away
how to play properly sia. zzzz

anyway after that slacked in class awhile
did the corrections for my chinese test
i still have to copy 10 times of that super long para that takes up 1 page of gao zhi -___-
cleaned the class before i went for cca
didnt do much lor
went to main hall for the parents-teacher conference thingy
and i DROPPED MY PHONE there!!!!!!!
and there is this mark there now =[
my parents were there-.-
and they saw lots of teachers
i kinda agree with what the teachers said lor..
and it has greatly inspired me to work harder!
i ain't kidding, its true
can't slack anymore this year
thank God i have such great teachers, even i don't really like some
but they are really good.

helped to keep the tables and stack the chairs in the hall when ptc was gonna end
lol, quite tiring sia-.-
after then went home then went to it fair at suntec
took so long to find a dam carpark >.>
had dinner at macs with my dad before going to the it fair
there's like so many people lor
still have to wait to go up the escalator 1 sia. LOl
so many security guards there too
anyway, didnt buy much, just 2 thumbdrives for my mum-.-
but i brought home a whole stack of brochures, hahah
gonna go through them later ^_^

i find that my dad is really a funny and lame guy
quite fun going out with him lor, hahaha
anyway... i'm gonna bake oreo cheesecake tmr!!!!!
and kellyanne and evan's coming over too
lol, long time since i last baked with my aunt, hehehe

its almost 12midnight
time for bed
just nice for a 6hours sleep before i go for running ^_^
fιяєѕтαя | 11:30 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i'm very emo now
don't ask me why
i just can't explain them
was emo from just now after school
after school was spent emo-ing in school for awhile
before i went home, alone
the weather was great too
'blending' in with my feelings
coincidence much? i guess not.

was thinking alot about relationships
zzz, not just the romantic part ?
like friendships and stuffs
i wanna share my problems with someone
but theres no one to share them with
even if there is
i think its too sensitive
relationships are really complicated
and really hard for the human mind to comprehend

now and then
i still think of you
i don't know why but deep down,
i know i can't forget those times we've had

i realised quite alot of things today
so much to say
but nothing to type
english tuition ltr
chinese test tmr
man utd match tmr morning
no more sleeping for me tonight
k im done for now
fιяєѕтαя | 5:31 PM | commentlink

Friday, March 6, 2009

fun friday! lol
yo sup
im dam tired >.>
overslept today
i woke up at 7.25....
all thanks to me sf-ing the previous night till 12pm with nick and kwx lol
and my dad's alarm clock went out of battery so it didnt ring -.-
obviously i was late for school. but no punishment or w/e
lessons were ok i guess

after recess had pe
Whole lseson playing basketball ;D
no teachers ard
anyway, it was fun!!!!11
Lol, i was like running around like mad and stuffs
even though im noob la -.-
fell down twice and had the weight of JEREMIE on my shoulders at 1 time LOL
then my stomach was dam pain lor >.>
but still played for the whole pe lesson

after pe just slacked in class with kellyanne lor
cause i was rly exhausted
and i was coughing like mad
it seems to be getting worse and worse ;(
in the end just go home
quite fun slacking and resting lol
better then going home and staying there alone

went to church just now
attend the worship by chris bowater
quite cool sia he
play piano very pro ;O

electone exams in 11days? @_@
have to practice EVERYDAY now
dam scared i fail ;(

im gonna run tmr morning!!!
kk off to do some stuffs byeeee
fιяєѕтαя | 10:30 PM | commentlink

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

campus superstar
yo wassup
been kinda tired nowadays
stayed up late on sunday to watch carling cup finals
watched the whole match, all the way till the penalties-.-
slept at like 2am

monday was a long long day
stayed back to study bio after school with cheryl and kellyanne
studied for like 2hours +
then went to have super early dinner at 85 there
i ate real slow -_______-
was the last to finish, as usual
left half my food untouched, lol
anyway after that went to wait for the bus to go to mediacorp to watch css live
idk why i went cos i didnt even watch it
but i went anyway to support rachel? Lol, w/e-.-

waited in the bus for like super long before we started moving
reach there still have to wait super long -.-
we were given whistles, a london chocolate roll to eat and some face product thingy o_O
settling into a seat took really long cos we kept moving
but after that was ok la lol
there was this guy wearing purple who was 'entertaining' us
and hes funny @_@
super joker guy
but anyway, the show started at ard 8
listen to the ppl sing lor lol
a few got bad comments, but our school was quite good
compared to the others that is.
then after that announced how much each contestant got
and rachel got 40.5 @_@
so automatically got into the semi-finals or w/e
then after that people started leaving cuz lazy to wait for results
cause apparently our sch alr got in....... -.-
but we waited anyway
that purple shirt guy played some game with red and white flags-.-
lame but funny lol
after that result show blah blah blah

finish alr then faster went out cos my dad waiting outside le
then fetched cheryl, jamie, huituan, elize and kellyanne home before i went to buy roti prata to eat
reached home at like 12? -_____-
quite tired la, but it was fun neways
in the end slept at like 1+
so i was super tired the next day

k gtg my grandma's house to do some stuffs already
update another time then
cya guys
fιяєѕтαя | 5:26 PM | commentlink

Monday, March 2, 2009

i guess those memories are just what's left from it

i will treasure them,
and i hope you do too

even though you might hate me,
i guess
fιяєѕтαя | 8:49 PM | commentlink