Friday, May 28, 2010

jts-ysc-tj carnival
post season was supposed to be more relaxed and for me to catch up in my work.
BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT. it wasn't possible.
had stuff on almost everyday after school.
went to support as many matches as possible.
floorball, soccer, basketball, etc.
this week was a killer, even though it has yet to end.
monday was supposedly FULL DAY!
but... i spent it doing saikang in school for the youth sports conference which was from tues to thurs, which ended today.
i am so freaking screwed up in my mind now.
so to try and relax i shall post about the past 4 days.
mmmmm, monday came to school at like 8?
went to do all the saikang and stuffs. was actually rather excited about jts which was gonna be held in the evening.
arranged chairs, tables, freaking damn alot of goodie bags and did lots of stuffs.
went to parkway to have lunch then came back to bath and got ready for registration.
went for this briefing and guess what?
registration was push back by like 1hour!!!!
talk about good planning. i booked the cab to fetch the snrs to come @ 445. and then this crap.
so went to rush about trying to change the timing of the cab, and even almost ended up booking a BUS to fetch us all the way to yishun for jts. thank god we could change the time.
so did registration stuffs with rachel.
super hilarious....
there was once this guy came to register and he was registering under the name 'candy' and his sex stated obviously was FEMALE. then rach was like 'why are you female?'
HAHAHAH almost died. turned out the guy was registering for his friend laaa. hahahahah.
yup so anyway registration finished at almost 530 which was the time the taxi came.
and had to rush to call the driver to wait for the SENIORS WHO TOOK FOREVER TO CHANGE AND GET READY TO GO OUT! -.-
anywayyyyyy. in the end finally got them there and they just went mad crazy over the huge taxi-cum-van thingy.
it's damn cool right seniors? hehehehe.
so anyway after that rushed to put the concourse back to what it originally was and packed everything then went to minyee's house
spent quite a fair bit of time deciding on how to go.
in the end took cab. 2 cabs in total. freaking spent 50+ in total!!!

and the room which she booked to hold the seniors damn fun.
got table tennis, pool and err. some game shit idk how to say. in arcade have one hahaha
anyway after that went to bring the seniors to the bbq pit and we started eating and stuffs.
the food was rather good. thank you to those who cooked.
played basketball and tennis. damn fail sia me. tennis is hard to play! never played in my whole life so this was the first ever.
but its quite fun luh.
anyway after that had dessert and then we went home.
took about 1hour and 30mins to reach home cos fetched like 6 ppl home hahahah.
took forever man.

tues to thurs was just ticketing, saikang and sports booth.
quite crap la. waste my time and energy. quite shagged from the 4 days....
and the 4days kinda showed me different people's personality and stuffs
and i kinda learnt some things from it.
sounds stupid and all but ya.
lots to say but idk how to express and typing them here isnt the best thing to do.
later kena hated or some shit. idk. hahahah.

hmmmmm. someone always has to be the bad guy, and that person is just damn suay.

to interact with maturity; to practice what you preach.
not easy.
random but w/e. im going crazy bottling everything.

went to crash tj's carnival thingy today with huixin after the ysc shit.
climbed over the side gate and got in for free.
actually there wasn't anything much la.
just random performances everywhere
and booths selling food and drinks.
played soccer there with some of the tj people for about 45mins or so i think?
quite shiok, considering how long i haven't played.
it was rather fun luh.
finally met some of my friends whom i haven't seen for a long time.
good to know that they still remember me hahaha :)
went home at like 10.30

tmr's vesak day holiday.
gna go annabel's house! meeting 2E people. should be fun.
clic camp from sat to mon.
rather busy now. havent started studying.
everyone wish me luck.
im like at 0 for every subject.
maybe i should take tuition for every subject.
but then i got no money.
if i were rich................. zzzzzzzzz.
if only......

shall go to bed soon.
my back is tired. and so is my mind.
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